Lucy, I Love You.

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                                                                                   Sting's P.O.V

She was trying to jump! Off of a cliff! She wanted to die!!! I couldn't believe it. No, I couldn't believe HER!. I don't know what I would have done if she left, if Happy and Carla hadn't of saved her. I am eternally grateful for that as well. I have been thanking them since we got back to fairy Tail.

"Thank you Carla and Happy so so so much! I will never forget this thank you!" They just stared at me, nothing else. And then when I wasn't with them, I was with Lucy on suicide watch. I never let her out of my sight, unless she's changing or in the shower. And when she's done I still check to see if she has cuts or something.

Today though, when she was coming out of the bathroom, I was on her bed reading a book, and she had a razor blade in her hand. Just twirling it around her fingers like it was no big deal. I spotted it and automatically snatched it from her, cutting my own hand in the process.

"Hey whats the big deal, Sting!?" She just looked at me, and then at my hand where I had cut it.

"The big deal is I don't want you to get hurt. On accident OR on purpose." She grabbed my hand, threw the razor blade so it stuck in the wall, and walked me into her bathroom.

"Okay, first things first," She started speaking as she got the first aid kit out her cabinet and cleaned my cut, " I would never hurt myself on purpose. I'm upset that Natsu left yes, but I have you now." She finished wrapping my cut and put her hand on my cheek. I put my hand on hers. "And last, you are all  need."

She kissed me and I kissed her back. And then I whispered to her, "Lucy, I love you."



Hey Guys sorry it took so long to update! I have been really busy with family and stuff! Thank you all who read it and are still going to!! I will try and update more often. And sorry it's such a short chapter, I was in a rush.....

And I'm really happy with myself. It may not be a lot to some of you, but it is to me. Over 100 views!!!! Thank you all!

And Happy Easter to those of you celebrate it!!!!

Till Next Time!

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