Work with Sabertooth!?

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                                                                      Natsu's P.O.V

     I was still slightly out of breath when I walked out of Lucys house. Why does she have to be so mean. I saw a flash of blue, some yelling, and some quiet laughing. and then i heard a splash in the river. Happy comes crawling out shivering, his teeth chattering so loud, they rattle around my skull like a jackhammer. I go and pick him and wrap him in my vest before asking, "Did Lucy kick you out to?" He simply nods his head still shivering from the cold. "You know, she can be a real witch sometimes."

"I heard that!" I turn around and Lucy is walking  behind me in her usual outfit for the day. She looked beautiful but, I could never tell her that to her face. I turned away as ai blushed so I could hide my face from her. We continued walking to the guild.

                                                                                At the guild hall

Everyone was crowding around the stage and whispering to eachother.

"Ugh ive been waiting forever."

Just tell us already!"

People were yelling at the stage hoping Mokarov would tell everyone already. Even Elfman yelled.

"If Master was a real man he wouldnt keep us waiting like this!"

I just sat at a booth with Lucy and happy and waited. Eventually Gray, Gajeel, Lilly, Wendy,carla, and Erza joined us. We started talking about how mean Lucy could be when the lights whent dim. The curtains opened up and a single light surrounded the Master. "Hey Gramps!" I yelled from the booth.

"Hello boy."He looked at the ground.

"As I'm sure most of you are aware, someone is planning to launch an attack on Magnolia very soon. We have figured out that we cannot stop them ourselves. So we must combine srengths with another guild." Everyone had gone still, even Eza had put her cake down to continue listening.

"Now, this may be hard for some of us to adapt to, but as strong as we all are, I know we can put differences behind us and join them." There was a long pause before the doors of the guild were busted open. I instinctively jumped up with my fists on fire ready to fight. Thats when Sting from Sabertooth walked in. I tried to punch him but he jumped and landed on the stage next to Gramps.

"Thats right, and can you all guess what guild youre teaming up with yet? Dont worry ill give you a minute to figure it out." Everyone in the guiled gasped and Erza stood up. She whent up on the stage with sword in hand. She grabbed sting by the collar and looked sting in the eye.

"If you think the master would make us team up with your sorry guild your dead wr-" Gramps stopped her in her sentence.

"Its true Erza. Now please, release the boy." She put him down. Before I knew I was on the stage. "You have got to be kidding me Gramps! There guild! We have to join Sabertooth!" I was so angry, I couldnt believe it. Before I knew it, Lucy was yelling at me.

"Natsu thats enough! We are all angry, but we cant go blaming the master. He is only trying to lesson the work for us so lets just be grateful okay? Now come sit down." I didnt I stoped out of the guild hall and down to the port. What was Gramps thinking!? How could he force us to team up with them!? Please tell im dreaming or this is some sick joke!!

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