Lucy's Date with Sting

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                                                                       Lucy's P.O.V

   After Natsu finished throwing his little temper tantrum, Everyone started yelling and booing Sting off the stage. Someone even threw something at him. I hated the guy don't get me wrong,  but the master said that we're supposed team up with him and his guild. That means we have to put things aside for now. So I stand up. I push people out of the way as I made my way up to the stage. Everyone had started throwing things at Sting. I stood in front of him and got hit in the side of the head with a can of beer. Everyone stops and gasps when they see blood running down the side of my head. And then they started whispering.

*Who hit Lucy?*

*Why is she protecting him?*

*I hope she's okay.*

And then I feel arms around me. I look up and see Sting looking at the cut on my head. I keep looking at him until I hear the doors open to the guild. I see Sting get ripped away from me and look back up. My eye-sight began to blur so I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw a flash of pink so I could only assume, "N-Natsu?" I asked before weakly trying to lift my hand and failing. The last thing I heard, was "It's me Lucy. I'm here." And then the welcoming blackness surrounded me, and that was the last thing I saw.

I woke up in my bed with my head bandaged. I sat up and looked around my room. I saw Natsu sitting in a chair right next to me, and was surprised to see Sting pacing back and forth. He looked at me and his eyes widened. and I could have Sworn I saw his eyes tear up as he walked over to me.  He sat on the edge of his bed and wrapped me up in the biggest hug I had ever received. I hugged him back before asking, "What's this for?"

"Standing up for me. I was so worried Lucy. Don't ever do that again. Not while I'm around." He looked at me and I was shocked, he DID have tears in his eyes. I smiled weakly and said,

"Okay Sting, I wont." He smiled and kissed my cheek. I blushed a bright red at the sudden gesture and he blushed too, realizing what he had just done. 

"Lucy, will you please go out with me, tonight, by the tree in Magnolia Park. Meet me there, 7:00 PM. Please say you'll do it Lucy please.!" He looked at me with the biggest eyes, and I just couldn't say no. So instead i said,

"Okay Sting, I'll meet  you tonight. I promise 7:00 sharp."  Sting smiled again and planted another kiss on my cheek. I blushed again but he didn't. He stood up to walk out but right as he turned to go down the stairs, he turned back and said,

"7:00 tonight. Don't forget!" And with that, he left.  I'm going on a date.  I Thought to myself. With a boy from our rival guild, Sabertooth.   I looked over and noticed Natsu had his arms crossed over his chest. He had his eyes covered with his hair and he was shaking. Did he over hear my conversation with Sting?! Oh no Natsu.. Don't hurt him please. That was all I could think before he stood up silently and walked out.

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