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Lucy's P.O.V

I didnt understand what was going on. Natsu suddenly hated me, Sting was apologizing for something, Levy and Gajeel were dating. . . I think. My head jurt really bad. And was I dreaming or was Mystogan really back? Or was it Jellal trying to get close to Erza again? Ugh why is everything just now running through my head.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my back, almost like someone was trying to protect me from something. I followed the arm with my eyes to see, not Loki, but Scorpio.And then a hand on my shoulder. I looked to my right to see Aries. Her shyness seemed all gone. When did they get here? Where did Loki go? 

"Lucy are you listening to me? Lucy please Im sorry. Come to Sabertooth with me. Please."

Suddenly reality hit me like a ball to the face. I looked up at Sting with my eyes wide in shock. Was he asking me to leave Fairy Tail and join Sabertooth? Every pair of eyes were on me. I didnt know what to say. On one hand, Natsu hates me and he did lie to me. And theres no way Master would kick out one of his dragon slayers. On the other, can I really trust Sting? All of my friends are here. Maybe they just felt pity for me though. Maybe I could trust Sting. I know what to do.

I stood up straight and looked Sting right in the eye before saying. "Sting I am going to---

Sabertooth steals the celestial wizard.Where stories live. Discover now