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There not gonna let me go this easily and I know it, but I need to go. 

"I realize that me being with Sting has caused Fairy Tail AND Sabertooth a lot of trouble, but being with Natsu could cause just as much. So I have decided what im going to do. I am going with......neither of them." Everyone went even more quiet then they were. And then the whispers.  What does she mean, Whats going on, stuff like that.

"I'm quitting Fairy Tail. No more trouble will be caused if thats done." Everyone gasped. Everyone except Natsu and Sting. They stood, right in front of me. Staying still, not even looking at me, but opposite of each other. 

I started walking away. I wanted to get as far away as possible before i started to break down in front of everyone.  And then I was grabbed, well, more like hugged from behind. I could tell by the heat that it was,

"Natsu....." He kept his hands gripped around my waist. Preventing me from walking another step. My voice barely came out as a whisper, but i knew he could hear me at least. 

I felt his body shaking, I hadnt realized until i felt it on my shoulder, that he was crying. My eyes moved to the ground, looking at the sand below my feet. 

"I wont let you leave. I'll track you down. You know that. I wont let the love of my life walk out on me like its nothing." He tightened his grip on me. I didnt know what to say, all i knew was that i couldnt stop it anymore. The tears fell.

"I'm sorry. I have no other choice, im not gonna choose between the two of you, and if you follow me i'll keep moving." I walked out of his grip, his arms falling limply to his sides, and kept walking. 

The tears came harder so I covered my mouth and ran, hoping nobody heard the small whimpers from me trying to stop from crying. I risked one glance back, and instantly regretted it. Natsu was on his knee's,  head down, and Sting was walking the other way. I ran again, straight out of the arena we were in. And i ran home, automatically starting to pack my things.

I hate it. I hate everything. Im not going back i cant i wont!

Sabertooth steals the celestial wizard.Where stories live. Discover now