Ten Years Ago

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Lucys p.o.v

I woke in the infirmary. I really have to stop getting myself put in here. I sat up and rubbed my aching head. What happened? The last thing I remember was. . . Gray. He said he needed to talk to me and the he kissed me? No that cant be right. Gray would never do that to me, he knows I love natsu. Everyone knows that. Did I just imagine it? No, why would I imagine something like that happening? Maybe im just going crazy.

I got pulled out of my thoughts when Gajeel walked into the infirmary. He had a small rag in his hand. 

"You shouldnt be up blondie. Lay back down, nobody else is here and Ive been put on watch. " He looked at me and I swore I saw a look of guilt cross his face, but it was quickly wiped away.

"Gajeel, what happened? How long was I out? Wheres Natsu, he wouldnt leave my side if I was stuck in the infirmary." I was so confused about everything. I looked out the small window and noticed it was night time. I could see the moon, bright and full through the glass. I looked back at Gajeel. He was by my bed now and waiting for me to lay back down. I huffed in response and stayed sitting, crossing my arms over my chest. 

He sighed. "We dont know where he is. You were out for about a week." What about Natsu?

"Where is Natsu." This time it wasnt a question, it was me telling him to tell me. He still hesitated. "Tell. Me." I reached for my keys. 

"Lucy dont." I grabbed my key ring quickly and pulled off Taurus. 

Before I could say anything there was a clinging on the floor, my hands were empty and my arms were pinned above my head.  I struggled against him and yelled and screamed. 

"GET OFF OF ME LET ME GO!" He didnt let up, no matter how hard I tried.

"NOBODY KNOWS WHERE HE IS LUCY!" He still didnt let up, even when I froze. I just looked up at him, searching his eyes for any sign that he was lying. I couldn't find one.

"What. . . do you mean nobody knows?" My voice shook as I spoke. My words barely coming out as a whisper as I went limp on the bed.

"I mean exactly that. Nobody knows, he just. . . vanished! Its like he went through a portal. Im sorry." He sounded sincere when he said he was sorry. I didnt know what to say, what kind of portal? Where did it take him?

Suddenly, the entire place shook. Like an earthquake had just hit it. Before either of us could react, there was a crash and then silence. As if a meteor had just hit through the guild hall. Within a matter of seconds gajeel was up and out the door. I tried to follow but my head refused to let me. I yelped in pain as my head fell back onto the thin pillow.

"Lucy!?" Was all I heard before the door flew across the room off its hinges. I looked and saw the man who had supposedly disappeared.

"N-Natsu? What happened?" I looked him up and down. His clothes were torn and his hair was long. Really long. His bangs covered his eyes and his scarf looked like it had been through hell.

"I came back. I cant believe it. After 10 years I, I got back!" He sounded so happy as he came over and swooped me up into the biggest hug of my life.

"W-What happened? What do you mean after 10 years?" I looked into his eyes and he kept smiling.

"I went into the future Luce. It was horrible and filled with nothing but sand. I cam back to find gray. Do you know where he is?"

"Uh. N-No I dont im so-"

"Right here flame brain." I looked over to the door and there he was. In nothing but his boxers. Again.

"Good. Now. . . I can finally kill you!" Natsu lunged at gray. And that was when it happened.

That was when the war started.

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