I'm Sorry Lucy. Forgive Me.

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                                                                       Natsu's P.O.V

Lucy came home and I was in her house already, waiting. I had to wait. Because I have to tell her something very important. I have to break my promise to her. I have to leave, but only for a short amount of time.  So when she came home, I had to tell her. But I couldn't. Not yet. I didn't have to leave for a few days anyway, so I'll tell her then. When I do leave.

She walked in the door and looked at me. She looked like she was about to cry and it hurt me so much inside. She whispered my name, it came out faint, but I heard it. I crossed the room quickly so I could meet her lips with mine. I did. I kissed her and I felt her sinking into it. I did too, and I never wanted to stop. I never wanted to leave her side again, even though in 4 days, I would have to.  Just the thought of it made me cringe.

She tried to pull back from the kiss but I put my arm around her waist drawing her closer to me, deepening the kiss. She backed up and I let her. She looked me straight in the eye and said,

"Natsu, why did you leave this morning? I wanted you to stay." I didn't know what to say. There was nothing I could say. I just looked her straight in the eyes. She stood up on her toes to kiss me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I put my arms around her waist and lifted her up. she moved her legs so they were locked together on my back and put her hands in the collar of my vest, touching her back with her smooth fingertips.

Every touch from her was exhilarating and sent shivers up and down my entire body. I walked with her still wrapped around me to the couch and slowly and carefully laid her on it. She kept her hands around my neck so I couldn't get away. We were still kissing when she started taking my vest off. I let her. I stayed there holding myself above her, when I heard the door open. I jerked myself up, Lucy's grip slipping and her falling away from me. I quickly turned to the door only to want to fling myself at the person who was standing there. Lucy stood up only to be pushed back down by me. She looked at me with a frightened and confused look on her face. And then she looked at him . We both did.

"Sting get out." She said it so calmly that it almost frightened me. He just laughed. Loud and long.

"C'mon Luce. You really think he's doing this because he loves you? He's doing it to try and make up for what he's going to do. He's leaving in 4 days. did you know that?" She just looked at me, and I looked at her.

"No, your lying. He would have told me by now. And he promised. he promised he would never leave me. You don't know what your talking about. Right? Tell him Natsu. Tell him your not leaving me. That you promised you would always be here for me. Tell him!" She was angry now. And sad. She looked back at me again with tears in her eyes.

"Lucy I... I'm sorry. " She just looked at me. And once again I could see the hurt on her face as the tears rolled down her cheeks. The betrayal. the pain. The ignorance. And I was just standing there doing nothing. And then I looked back at Sting.  And all my rage was there. All my hate for him. All my sadness.

"Damn you. Damn you. Damn you." I said it 4 times. After that he laughed again.

"Come on Lucy. Babe I can protect you. I'm not this pathetic. I would never hurt you. You know that right? Come on hun. Don't cry. I warned you didn't I? Now come here. I promise I wont hurt you. He held his arms open, telling her it was okay. To my surprise, she stood up. She looked at me, with all the hate, and sadness she had. It was right there in her eyes.

"DAMN YOU!" I pushed Lucy back down again and launched myself at Sting. Punching him through the wall, and the neighbors, and the next one, and the next one after that, and the next one after that one.  He fell on the ground.

He stood back up wobbling a little bit. But then he looked at me with the most maniac look on his face I had ever seen.

"You know she's mine now right? She's not going back to you. And oh no it looks like I pissed of the sad excuse for a fucking dragon slayer! Come at me Natsu. Hurt her even more. I dare you."

And I dd. I punched him into the sky and then back down to the ground. I looked around and realized we were in the guild hall now and everyone was watching me beat up Sting. And then Mira came up to me and grabbed my arms. I pushed her away. I didn't know how strong I was in that moment and she went flying. Elfman caught her in the middle of the air and then came at me. So did Gray, Cana, Lissanna, and Makarov. They all dragged me off of Sting. My anger was so powerful in that moment that I broke free. I headed for sting again, and I punched him through the guild doors. I used my Fire-Dragon-roar, Fire-Dragon-Wing attack, and my Fire -Dragon-Iron-fist. I kept hitting him across town. And then I heard her. She screamed my name like it was something she had forgotten and had to say to keep it with her.

"NATSU!" I look back and see Lucy on her knees, her fingers forming fists in the pavement and she was crying.

"I'm sorry Lucy. Forgive me." That was all I could say. And I was, I was very sorry.

I attacked Sting again. I smashed my fist into his stomach. You know that saying 'you'll be six feet under.'? Yeah well her was literally six feet under ground. I crawled out of the hole and after looking at Lucy one more time, I ran. As fast as I could I ran the opposite way from her. I didn't know what else to do so I kept running, and I didn't stop. I didn't stop until I reached the port. 

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