Chapter 28

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Zayn's POV

When I wake up and I check my phone, it's already Tuesday, day four of spring break.

Getting out of bed, I start to get ready for the day. Taking a quick shower, I dry myself off and slip on a regular white T-shirt and blue jeans. Taking a bag and filling it with some clothes that'll last me a few days--because I plan to stay at Liam's--I head downstairs.

My mum is in the kitchen washing the dishes as I walk to the counter, taking a donut from the table and heading out.

"I'll be out for a few days mum!" I shout.

"Okay, have fun sweetie!" She shouts back. Slipping on my shoes, I sling my bag over my shoulder and start walking toward Liam's house.

Niall's POV

I wake up to a soft knock at the door, groaning a I didn't get any sleep last night. Getting up and softly open the door, I see Zayn standing there with a bag. I let him in as he quietly sets his bag down, and I quickly get an idea.

"We should scare Claire." I whisper to him. "She usually is the first one to wake up."

"What if she hits me?" Zayn twiddles his fingers nervously.

"She won't." I assure him. "Okay so when she's in the kitchen, I'll try to move stuff around and I'll purposely get caught. Then when she's helping me move the stuff back, come up behind her and scare her." I rub my hands together mischievously. Zayn gives me a nod and goes to hide as I go back to the couch and lie down to wait for Claire to wake up.

Claire's POV

Where am I? Did one of the boys carry me in last night? I look down and I'm still in my dress, my braid is still intact, I get up and head to the kitchen to look for some breakfast.

Taking the my meal from last night and put it in a bowl, I make myself some tea I found in the cupboard and boil some hot water. The water starts to boil and I turn off the stove, pour the hot water into the mug, and place the tea bag in the cup, stirring it once in a while.

I hear shuffling behind me and I turn around to see Niall, moving the cups on the counter back and fourth.

"Niall what are you doing?" I ask him, he looks up and drops the cups on the floor, making a loud clacking sound. My shoulders lift from the loud sound as I cover my ears.

"Can you help me pick these up?" He starts to gather them. Walking over to him, and kneel down, picking up the cups as I stacking them back on the counter. Me and Niall stand back up, he stares at me with a mischievous smile and I stare back at him confused.

Someone lightly taps my shoulder and I spin around, almost knocking the person out but the figure ducks before it makes contact.

"Zayn what are you doing here?" I help him up. He gives me a hug before walking over to Niall, punching him in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" He shouts, his accent kicking in. I slightly giggle at how mad he is right now, his face slightly red.

"You said she wouldn't hit me." Zayn looks at me then back at Niall.

Wait, Niall planned this?

"But she didn't." Niall points out.

"She almost." Zayn argues back. They continue to bicker back and forth as I take a sip of my now lukewarm tea.

This is entertaining.

"Okay, okay guys." I settle them down, they both look at me and keep their mouths closed as I continue. " Thanks for me almost punching you." I tell Zayn as he looks at me, laughing a little. "And thank you Niall for planning this." Niall shrugs, grinning.

I take my bowl of salad and head into the kitchen with Niall and Zayn following me as I sit back in the couch. I look at the clock and it's 10:30am. Louis and Liam are still asleep whilst Niall and Zayn are awake.

"Whatcha eating?" Niall asks me, I turn in the Tv and it's on MTV.

"Salad." I tell Niall, he nods and focuses on the Tv. Zayn, on the other hand, keeps poking my cheek every time I take a bite.

"Zayn?" I say in annoyance.

"Hmm?" He looks at me like he didn't do anything. I look at the Tv screen and it's on Ridiculousness.

Oh my gosh I love this show.

I quickly finish my food and put it in the sink, sprinting back to the couch and making myself comfortable.

Zayn's POV

Claire runs back into the room and sits back in her place, laying back in her seat as the show starts. The show, I believe it's called Ridiculousness, is a bunch of clips of people getting hurt.

It's kind of funny I guess, I'm not really entertained.

I look over at Claire and Niall, they're laughing so loud that I'm surprised that Louis and Liam haven't woken up yet.

"Guys you have to be quiet, you'll wake them up." I tell them as Liam and Louis both wake up at the same time and look at us. "Wow, you don't wake up from the laughter but wake up from just a simple sentence?" I ask them.

They're still in their half asleep daze as they just shake their heads.

"You ruin the fun." Claire pouts and so does Niall.

"Niall, don't even try." I laugh at him. He gives me a mad look and turns back to the Tv.


After we all eat breakfast--me taking some of Liam's pasta--we all head downstairs into his gym. Claire goes upstairs to change so she can work out.

She walks into the room with some athletic shorts and a tank top, her hair in a ponytail.

"Okay let's get started." She claps her hands. We all sit on the bench while Liam is standing behind the punching bag. They both take off her shoes and step on the mat, she slips on his gloves and starts to throw punches. I start to stare at her in amazement, the way she swings each time she throws a punch, the sweat glistening on her skin. She begins to mumble words each time she hits the bag.

It's not until I realize that she's steering herself down, calling herself names with each hit.

"Claire, slow down you'll hurt yourself." Liam warns her. Claire continues to punch the bag at a rapid pace until her knees start to shake. Rushing over to her, she falls in my arms, panting heavily.

"I-I'm sorry I just c-couldn't stop." She explains to me, her eyes brimming with tears. Walking her over to the bench and sit her down, I can see her hands lay heavily to her side as she takes the gloves off.

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