Chapter 94

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Harry's POV

I'm the first one to wake up, and since this might be the last day well ever see Claire, I decide to cook breakfast for her.

Taking out the eggs, I pull out a bowl and crack them, whisking them so that the yolk is broken. The pan is already hot as I pour the egg yolk onto the pan, and let it simmer. Putting a bit of salt onto it, I start to scramble them, making sure that it's cooked evenly before turning off the stove, letting it slowly cool down.

After I pull out a plate and fork, I set it down on the table before placing the scrambled eggs on the plate. Placing a cover over the food, I quickly wash the dishes and place them on the rack to dry. When I'm finished, I write a note and place it on the table before heading back to the living room.

They have put the blankets away, and are sitting on the couch, their minds in deep thought.

"You ready?" I ask them. They all nod and head out the door. After I hear the front door shut, I walk over to Claire and kiss her forehead.

"I'll miss you," I say and head out before I start to tear up.

The boys are already in the car-except Liam, who's already home-as I start it and drive away, dropping them off to their houses.

When I arrive home, I quickly greet my mum before running upstairs. Slamming my bedroom door shut, I fall into my bed and let the tears fall out.

We promised her that we were going to stick together, I just hope that we can do that. Unless X Factor has other plans.

Claire's POV

When I roll over and extend my arm, I'm met with the hard floor. Opening my eyes, I look to where Niall was; he's not here. Slowly standing up, I fold the blanket and place it back in the closet.

After freshening up, and brushing my teeth, I head to the kitchen where I'm met with food. My hand lifts the cover of the plate to reveal scrambled eggs. Next to it, is a note.

Hey Claire,

We had to leave early, sorry. Don't get mad at us. I made breakfast for you.


I frown in confusion, why did they leave so early? But before I can answer, I quickly eat the eggs, being careful not to choke.

When I'm finished, I wash the dishes and put them on the rack. Heading over to the fridge, I pull out the cat food and close the door.

"Mittens!" I call out for her. A bell rings through the halls as I see Mittens push through the kitchen door.

"Hey girl," I greet her. She's grown a lot now, her height is changed, but her mews haven't. "You hungry?"

"Mew," she coos as I take her dish out, pulling the lid off the can and placing the food into the bowl. After I set it down, Mittens walks over and starts eating.

I let her be as I push through the kitchen door, the wave of emptiness hitting my body as I sigh. Grabbing my phone off of the coffee table, I decide to call Zayn.

The phone rings a few times before he answers.

"Hey babe," his sweet voice melts the inside of my heart.

"Zayn? Are you alright? You haven't visited in a week." I tell him, sitting down on the couch.

"I'm fine, it's just that my mum needs extra help around the house." He says.

"Oh. I miss you ya know." I laugh softly when I hear him laugh also.

"I miss you too. I'm gonna come over in a couple of days just to let you know." My heart beats faster at his words. He's finally coming over, I'm finally going to see him again.

"Alright Zayn," I try not to explode.

"I have to go babe, my mum." My mood saddens when he says that.

"Okay, bye."

"Bye baby." I hang up, not really wanting to hear the long tone at the end.

I'm absolutely bored out of my mind right now and I have nothing to do. Calling the pizza place, I order a large pepperoni and wait for the to deliver it.

About thirty minutes later, someone knocks at the door and I immediately run. Opening the door, I see Chris again.

"Shit," he curses, making me laugh.

"Well hello to you too then," I tell him as I hand him the amount needed. He takes it and gives me the box, and I set it down.

"Have a nice day," he says curtly before leaving.

"Wait!" He stops and turns around, giving me a questioning look.

"What time does your shift end?" I ask, shifting the weight on my feet.

"Four, why?" Chris asks.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out or something," I grow incredibly shy.

"Sure, I'll be here at around four-thirty." I nod as he heads back into the car, driving away. Finally, someone to hang out with.


"I still saved the pizza if you want," I tell Chris as he rummages through movies on Netflix.

"No, I'm good." He selects the Walking Dead and I squeal.

"You watch this?" I ask, I can feel myself smile wildly.

"Yeah, one of my favorites actually." Wow, we have something in common.

"Me too." We don't say anything as the episode starts playing.


This is-I think-our tenth episode we've watched and Chris is knocked out. He's kind of latched onto me, his arm are wrapped around my waist.

"Don't let go," he mumbles. What?

"Chris," I shake his shoulder. When that doesn't work, I poke his cheek to see if that does anything.

"Don't," his arms tighten around me, "let go."

"Chris wake up," I poke his cheek again. His eyes slowly opens and widens to see what he's doing.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Claire I didn't me-"

"It's alright Chris, you fell asleep," I laugh as he sits up, and checks his phone.

"Dang I have to go home, I have work tomorrow."

"I'll walk you out." We both stand and head to the door.

"You should have my number, so you don't have to call the pizza place for me."

I laugh and pull my phone out, he does the same. Exchanging phones, I put my number in and give it back to him, and he gives my phone back also.

"I'll see you?" Chris asks.

"I'll see you." He closes the door and hear his car pull out of my driveway.

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