Chapter 66

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*Couple Weeks Later*

Harry's POV

"What is it May?" I ask Louis who's attention isn't toward me, but toward Claire. The class is loud but I don't mind, more time to not do work.

"What? Did you say something?" He says, breaking out of his trance. Does he like Claire?

"Yeah I did actually. I was wondering if it was May?" I ask him.

"Yeah, May," he informs me. Time goes by fast when your having fun. It seems like yesterday we were playing football in the park. But I realize that we're almost Juniors.

The couple weeks have been the same. The constant stay-overs, Zayn and Claire moments, and the sad Niall moments. He's been really depressed at the fact that Claire is with someone. I can't blame him though, I feel sorta sad too. But he told me, "If she's happy, I'm happy." That makes sense. Niall has been trying really hard to stay happy whenever Claire and Zayn are together, he's going strong.

"Thanks," I tell him as I write the date down on the paper. I don't think he knows but he returned to staring at Claire.

"Dude," I smack the back of his head. Louis' head jerks forward and his forehead hits the desk, making a loud bang. The students turn their heads toward the back of the room and stare at us.

"Harry what was that for!?!" Louis whisper-shouts. The students turn back around and I turn to Louis.

"You were staring at Claire," I tell him and his eyes widen.

"What?" He laughs nervously. "No I wasn't." He leans in. "Was it that obvious?"

"Yes, yes it was." I whisper back and return to my work.


"Fuck you Matt!" Someone shouts in the halls. Immediately, students start exiting the lunch room and into the main hall. All of us exit the room to find an already formed crowd in the grass area.

"You know what? I don't even know why we're even friends!" I hear another voice shout. We all push our way through to the front to see Matt and Logan fighting.

"You were just lame enough to even hang out with me," Matt says, pushing Logan back.

"We have to stop them," Claire says as she starts stepping forward.

"No," I pull her arm back and she looks at me confusingly. "I want to see this." A fight between two of the biggest douche bags in school? I'll watch that.

"Harry," she scolds me and I unlatch my grip from her. Zayn gives her a warning look but she turns back and faces the two people that are fighting.

"Fuck you!" Logan says and punches Matt square in the jaw. Matt stumbles back but regains balance as he throws a punch to Logan's stomach. He groans in pain but shakes it off as they start hitting every part in the other persons body.

Claire's POV

I make my way towards the Logan and Matt, getting looks from other people, I push Matt away from Logan.

"Guys stop," I place a hand in between their chests, separating them.

Leaning into Logan's ear I whisper, "He's not worth your energy." He nods, his breathing starting to return to normal, and starts walking away from Matt. Turning around, Matt is laughing humorously.

"You're taking orders from this?" He gestures to me. Logan turns back around an starts walking back but I stop him.

"This," I refer to myself, "can beat the crap out of you if I wanted to," I hear the crowd murmur and a bunch of 'oooo's' erupt. Matt scoffs and pushes me to the ground, the students are silent now. Zayn starts to walk toward me but I give him a I've-got-this look and he stays where he is.

"Look at you, you couldn't even stay standing," laughs erupt. After I stand up, Matt's eyes are closed from all the laughing, I slap his face, causing the laughter to stop. "You little-" he doesn't finish as I punch him in the throat, causing him to fall.

"What was that again?" I cup my ear to him as he groans and coughs in pain. As I'm about to walk away, Matt stands back up again, ready to charge at me. The first swing comes and I duck, quickly hitting him square in the chest, and lastly, his nonexistent dick.

"You just don't get it?" I ask him.

"Don't get what?" He speaks and starts coughing right after.

"You think that it's so damn cool just because you fuck all of these girls at parties. You get drunk and don't even care about you life for once. You wear all these 'nice' clothes and throw on a smug smile and think they everything will just magically come to you. But guess what?" I let my anger get to best of me as I grab the collar of his shirt and lift him with surprising strength. "Not everything comes that easy!" I push him back down on the floor and start kicking him.

"I fucking hate you! I fucking hate you!" I start yelling.

I feel someone pull me away from Matt and away from the crowd, causing the students to flee away from the scene. I look up to see Zayn, his eyes are concentrated as he starts to carry me. The anger is still in my system and I start to pound his chest.

"Let go of me!" I shout at him. He looks down on something soft and I realize that we're in the nurses office.

"I should've stopped you," he shakes his head and the rest of the boys come rushing in with Matt around Liam's shoulders. Oh my gosh.

Matt's face is covered in bruises, blood dripping from his nose, and I can already see a formed black eye. But that's not the worse part, nurse Susan comes out of her office in a frantic matter as she lifts up Matt's shirt, revealing even more damage that I've done to him.

"I-I," nothing comes out as I feel myself slowly drift into unconsciousness.

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