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"I swear I've never done anything to him! He hates me for no reason." Harry complained, staring at the ceiling while Louis covered his neck in hickeys.

"I've never done anything bad or wrong to anyone at that school. I tried to apologize, I was being sincere. Maybe he thought I was faking." Harry thought aloud.

"You never fake with me do you?" Louis smirked, biting his ear.

Harry ignored him, too busy thinking.

"What can I do to get him to like me? We're going to be in this play together, I can't be his boyfriend in the play when he hates me in real life." Harry continued.

"Wait, what?" Louis asked, stopping and leaning back to look down at him.

"He plays Cameron. My boyfriend. And he hates me in real life. Haven't you been listening at all?" Harry snapped, pushing Louis away and sitting up off his bed.

"Of course I have," Louis lied. "But...I mean do you guys have any kissing scenes or anything?"

"No, Louis! That isn't the point here." Harry snapped again.

"Sorry, sorry. Um, just...try being nice? Go out of your way to be nice somehow." Louis said.

"But how?" Harry asked, looking at him. "I'm always nice."

"No clue. Do you have any classes with him?" Louis asked.

"We have math together. That's it, I think. He got a 2 on his last test. Maybe if I give him answers he'll like me." Harry said.

"As long as answers is all you give him." Louis said.

Harry looked at him again. "I was thinking of giving him head too." He said sarcastically.

"Mhmm. This pretty mouth belongs to me." Louis smiled before he kissed him.

Harry let him, but he didn't kiss back.

"Can you make us some dinner?" He asked softly, giving him the eyes he knew Louis wouldn't say no to.

"Fine." Louis smiled, getting up.

Harry smiled back, the smile vanishing as soon as Louis left.

Of course, a lot of things changed when Harry was alone.

But nobody ever needed to know about that.


The next day when Harry decided to come to school, he was surprised to learn that Zayn was in his English class.

Harry knew it wouldn't be a problem, so he walked past his assigned seat and sat in the one next to Zayn.

"What're you doing?" Zayn asked coldly.

"Just wanted a change of scenery. I didn't know you were in this class too." Harry smiled.

Zayn stared at him.

"Oh, you draw? That's really good. I'm terrible at drawing." Harry said, looking at Zayn's open notebook. 

"Just like you're terrible at math? Or biology?" Zayn asked sarcastically.

"We have biology together too?" Harry frowned, ignoring his sarcasm.

"We do. Can't tell you how many times I've thought about jumping out the window." Zayn said.

"Why? Biology isn't a bad class." Harry shrugged.

"Yeah, not when you're passing it with an A." Zayn scoffed.

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