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That weekend, Zayn was happily sprawled out in bed at two in the afternoon thinking about the future when he heard his phone vibrate.

Worried it was his mom, he quickly found his phone to check it.

He wanted to avoid making her angry because of how she let him off the hook about the party.

All he got was a scolding.

Zayn sat up, checking his phone.

From Harry: hi

Zayn frowned.

To Harry: hi..?

From Harry: what's up?

To Harry: wondering why you're texting me

From Harry: just wanted to chat I guess? I'm alone for the weekend and I hate it

To Harry: I like alone time more than a lot of things

From Harry: if you don't want to chat that's fine, I guess it is kinda weird...

To Harry: I'm just not much of a texting person

From Harry: np, I can come pick you up and we can maybe hang out? Get late lunch/early dinner?

Zayn stared at that message.

To Harry: you must really be lonely if you want to hang out with me

From Harry: no, after that night in my car I just feel a little closer. I figured it could be like then. Just talking about stuff casually

To Harry: ok I guess

From Harry: so I can come pick you up?

To Harry: I guess. I'm broke so no food

From Harry: my treat

To Harry: no

From Harry: ?

To Harry: I don't want to owe you anything and I don't want you buying me stuff

From Harry: it's not like that though. I just want to be friendly you won't owe me anything

Zayn sighed.

To Harry: k

From Harry: can I come now?

To Harry: ya

From Harry: on my way

Zayn stared at the wall, unable to believe that he was about to go hang out with Harry Styles.

Something must've really been wrong in Harry's life for him to come to Zayn.

What could it be?

Zayn wasn't sure if he was prepared or even wanted to listen to Harry vent again.

It was weird last time because of their past, and probably because Zayn was drunk.

Zayn fell back down in his bed, realizing he was over thinking this.

Of course, he did that with everything so this was nothing new.

His phone vibrated again, and he assumed it was Harry asking for directions.

But it was Niall.

From my bro: I think I'm pregnant

To my bro: what did you eat this time you fool

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