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That Saturday afternoon, Harry was dancing around his bedroom with his music blasting, previously having promised himself he would do his homework.

Usually he and Zayn would be making out in bed right now, but Niall called and asked Zayn to hang out.

Harry certainly didn't mind, knowing he and Zayn would see each other tonight.

He was currently wearing those pink shorts and one of Zayn's shirts he stole, very much enjoying himself.

Harry danced his way in front of the mirror, making faces at himself and acting like a fool until he noticed a figure standing in the doorway.

He whirled around with a scream, shocked to see none other than Louis standing there.

Harry shakily picked up the remote and turned his stereo off.

"Don't mean to bother you." Louis chuckled quietly, quite amused with what he'd just seen.

"What are you doing here? Who let you in?" Harry asked coldly, angry that Louis scared him so badly.

"One of your maids. I have some of your stuff I found at my place when I was packing to move." Louis said, handing him a garbage bag full of Harry's things.

Harry felt embarrassed.

He didn't know he'd left this much over at Louis'.

He took the bag from him. "I'm guessing you're moving in with the love of your life?" Harry asked bitterly.

"Yes, actually. I prefer to live outside the city. More peaceful." Louis said.

"You could've just left this at the door, you know." Harry said, giving him a look.

"I'm aware. I wanted to see you." Louis admitted.

"For what? To tell me you're getting married?" Harry snapped.

"No, to see how you've been. You know I'm sorry for what happened, Harry." Louis said, looking into his eyes.

"Nothing happened. You cheated on me and used me. That's not something that happened, it's something you did on purpose." Harry said, folding his arms.

"Regardless, I'm sorry. How have you been?" Louis asked.

"Better than I ever was with you." Harry smirked, watching Louis' expression harden.

"Good. I'm glad neither of us are unhappy anymore." Louis said calmly.

"Whatever. Just go, Louis." Harry scoffed.

"I'm just trying to be friendly, you know." Louis said.

"Yeah? And I was just trying to be loved and appreciated. I am now, so the fact that you exist doesn't mean shit to me." Harry said, realizing he sounded just like his boyfriend.

"The only reason I don't mean anything to you is because of him. If prince charming hadn't swooped in to pick up the pieces, where would you be? Desperately searching for a new guy to save you? Fishing for attention in every way possible? You treat people like they're drugs. Just one more touch. One more kiss. One more sign of approval and acceptance. Just a little more attention. You haven't changed a bit." Louis said, shaking his head and giving Harry a look.

His words attacked Harry like a swarm of hornets.

From every different angle, penetrating his mind like bullets.

Zayn was different than the other guys.

He wasn't a prince charming.

Harry wasn't treating him like a drug.

Was he?

He hadn't thought about it that way.

Louis' words deeply confused him, and for some reason he couldn't just shrug them off.

Harry stood there, tears gathering in his eyes.

He opened his mouth to speak, but a voice came from behind Louis.

"Hey babe, I wanted to surprise....." Zayn trailed off as he walked up, seeing Louis.

"What's going on?" He asked, seeing the tears in Harry's eyes.

"Nothing. I'm leaving. It's...Zayn, right?" Louis asked.

"...Yeah." Zayn frowned.

"Okay, good. I was going to call you Xanax." Louis said, giving Harry a look before he turned and left.


"No." Harry growled, pushing past Zayn and going after Louis.

"You have no right to talk to me like that! You're a liar, and a cheater, and apparently you have a lot of nerve to show up here!" He screamed at him from a few stairs down from the top of the staircase.

Louis was almost at the bottom, looking up at him.

"Why are you getting so upset if there isn't a shred of truth to what I said?" Louis asked.

"You don't know me!" Harry cried out, feeling so attacked. "Why did you even have to- you're such a liar claiming you came here to drop that shit off and see how I was doing! You came to try and break me even more than you already did y-you son of a bitch!"

"Oh, right, because I have no life." Louis scoffed. "Harry, I caught on to your little act and now you're pitching a fit. Get over yourself."

"Hold the fuck up." Zayn snapped from where he'd been standing at the top of the staircase.

"What did you say to him?" Zayn asked Louis.

"He's an attention whore. You're his attention source, or should I say, the main one, for now." Louis said.

"I'm n-not an attention whore! You're the whore, not me!" Harry yelled, beginning to shake, stumbling some as Zayn quickly moved past him.

"You need to leave. Now." Zayn said, standing inches from Louis and staring into his eyes.

Louis didn't budge, raising his eyebrow and tilting his head to the side.

"You do not talk to him like that. Now get the fuck out before I beat the shit out of you for making him so upset." Zayn threatened, his blood boiling.

"Wow. He's got you really deep under that spell, doesn't he?" Louis asked quietly, staring fearlessly into Zayn's nearly black eyes.

Zayn shoved him, hard. "I said get out." He snapped, stepping closer and practically begging Louis to swing.

Which, he did.

Zayn narrowly dodged it, immediately coming back with a right handed swing that knocked Louis to the floor.

He moved to jump on him, but Harry rushed downstairs and grabbed him before he could.

"Zayn please!" Harry cried, struggling to hold Zayn back.

Zayn jerked away from him, fuming with adrenaline and anger.

But he restricted himself, for Harry.

"What the hell is going on here?" A fourth voice asked.

Zayn looked, seeing a woman he'd never seen before standing there with tired eyes and an angry look on her face.

"Louis?" She frowned down at him.

He was sitting up now covering his mouth, blood running through his fingers.

"Who are you?" She asked Zayn, her hands on her hips.

"His name is Zayn." Harry spoke up, his voice strained with emotion. "He's my boyfriend."

The woman raised her eyebrows, still looking angry.

"Zayn," Harry sighed.

"This is my mom."

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