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The next afternoon in biology, the usually calm teacher suddenly had energy, and seemed to be in the best mood.

That was never good.

"Everyone, it's that time of the semester again." She smiled.

A few people in the class looked at each other, trying to figure out what the hell she was talking about.

"Projects!" She announced happily.

"Now before you all complain, you get to choose your topics and your partner,"

"Out of these hats!" She added cheerfully.

"Wait, that means we really don't get to pick who we want to work with and what we want to do." A girl in the back deduced.

What a genius.

Zayn sighed, using his jacket as a pillow and putting his head down.

From the moment he got up this morning all he wanted to do was go back to bed.

And it was Friday.

Usually he could handle all the usual shit from school on Fridays, but today he just couldn't.

"Of course you get to choose, I have two hats full of choices for you." The teacher smiled.

"But those are your choices we're choosing from. That's not fair." The girl argued.

"Yes it is, everyone gets to choose. You come on up first." 

"How American." Zayn muttered into his jacket.

"Can I go next?" Harry asked, looking up from his phone for the first time in almost half an hour.

He didn't have time to put his phone down or look away without getting another message from someone.

"Sure Harry, c'mon." The teacher smiled.

He sent one last snapchat, using the dog filter of course, before he got up and happily walked to the front of the room.

He reached into the project hat, frowning as he read the piece of paper he picked.

"Seed speed? What does this mean?" Harry chuckled.

"Ah, that means you'll be finding which liquid causes certain seeds to grow the fastest. I'll give you and your partner the information sheet after everyone is settled." The teacher told him.

"Oh, okay." Harry said, certain he had picked the most boring project out of all of them.

He reached over and picked out of the partner hat, his heart weighed down when he read Zayn's name.

"Can I pick again?" He asked discreetly.

The teacher smiled, shaking her head. "Go take a seat."

Harry sighed, going back to his seat and sitting down.

He looked over at Zayn, his heart skipping a beat when he discovered that Zayn was glaring at him.

Zayn quickly looked away, swallowing.

Harry had never caught him glaring before.



When the class was close to over and they were all given free time, Harry went over to Zayn's side of the room.

Zayn could see him approaching out of the corner of his eye, so he covered his drawing and took a deep breath, looking at him.

"Hi. Um, I picked your name." Harry said awkwardly.

"Okay." Zayn said, staring at him.

"Listen, I'd be fine with doing the whole project and just putting your name on it." Harry said.

"Oh yeah? Why? So you can go on about how hard you worked and everyone can praise what you did while I just stand there?" Zayn asked, folding his arms.

"Well, according to you it'll go that way even if you do help me." Harry said flatly, not in the mood for Zayn's bad attitude.

"I think that's the first correct thing you've ever said to me." Zayn muttered, putting his books and papers in his bag.

Harry sighed. "So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. When is it even due?" Zayn asked, standing up.

Harry shrugged, looking over the paper.

"We have two weeks to do it." He said.

"Look, I'll just do it okay? It'll be easier that way."

"Whatever." Zayn said, putting his ear buds in.

"Wait," Harry said, reaching and taking one out.

Zayn glared at him again, wanting to punch him now.

"Did you...tell anyone about what happened after rehearsal?" Harry asked, playing with one of his rings.

"Yeah, why?"

"Who did you tell?" Harry asked, his heart beating faster.

"Just Niall. Why does it matter so much?" Zayn asked.

"Because," Harry glanced around them, lowering his voice. "I freaked out and threw up. I don't want everyone knowing about it."

"You claim to have anxiety attacks all the time, now that you've finally had one you're scared people will find out?" Zayn frowned.

"Mine aren't usually like that." Harry said quietly.

"Yeah, that's because you're not actually having them." Zayn scoffed.

Harry stared at him. "Who are you to say what counts as an anxiety attack?"

Zayn stared back, at loss for words.

"I told you before, quit acting like you know me. Because you don't." Harry said coldly.

"Yeah, nobody really does do they?" Zayn asked knowingly, tilting his head.

Harry blushed with anger. "What went on between us never happened, got it?"

"Okay. Believe me I'd love to forget it. It was disgusting." Zayn said.

"Yeah, whatever. Just don't say anything to anyone." Harry said.

"I got it. Get off my case!" Zayn snapped.

Harry huffed, turning and walking out as the bell rang.

Zayn picked up his bag, frowning as he noticed the girl who sat in front of him grinning at him.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"You and Harry Styles totally had sex." She smirked, getting up from her desk.

"What?" Zayn frowned.

"I overheard your conversation. If you don't recognize me, I'm Meg in the play. Now I know why you two are always at each other's throats during rehearsals. Sexual tension." She said.

"You didn't hear the whole conversation-"

"Save it, don't lie to me. I can totally see what's going on between you two. This is great." She grinned, rubbing her hands together like a fly.

"Who the hell are you?" Zayn squinted, suddenly annoyed with her.

"You know he has a boyfriend, right?" She asked.

"Of course, that makes this whole mess even more entertaining. See you at the next rehearsal." She laughed as she left.

Zayn shook his head, deciding to let her think she was right.

He didn't see any harm in it, and he  didn't have the mental strength to defend himself to her.

Zayn also didn't care.

One nobody thinking they knew something didn't bother him.

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