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It was 11:49pm.

Harry put a movie in an hour ago, and for maybe thirty minutes he and Zayn cuddled and watched it.

Zayn played with his hair, Harry made stupid jokes about things happening in the movie, it was great.

But that ended pretty quick when Harry decided it would be a good idea to look at Zayn and bite his lip.

Now, a good twenty minutes later, Harry was straddling Zayn while Zayn tugged on his curls and their tongues moved together.

Harry pressed himself against Zayn, grinding against him and getting goosebumps at the way Zayn moaned into his mouth.

Zayn's hands slid from Harry's hips to his ass, gripping it firmly.

Harry responded with a quiet whimper, tilting his head back for Zayn to kiss his neck.

Zayn had already left several hickeys, and started working on another.

He suddenly pushed Harry down across the bed, moving with him and settling on top of him.

Harry tangled his fingers in Zayn's hair, biting his lip when Zayn began to kiss up his neck towards his ear.

Zayn stumbled upon Harry's sweet spot, and Harry gasped when he found it.

"Shit, Zayn," He breathed, shuddering and pulling Zayn closer.

Zayn ran his tongue over the spot, making Harry feel waves of heat traveling over and through his body.

When their parted lips met again in a rather desperate way, Harry slid his hand down between their bodies, stroking Zayn through his jeans.

Zayn's face turned red from the sudden new contact, but that didn't stop him from kissing Harry even deeper.

Harry sucked Zayn's lower lip into his mouth, biting it and tugging.

With a groan Zayn pulled away, only to come back with a firm kiss, taking Harry's breath away.

Harry's hands were on Zayn's back now, digging his nails in as the two began to grind against each other.

"Mmm- Zayn," Harry began, breaking their kiss.

"Hm?" Zayn hummed.

"Let's have sex." Harry said, looking up at him.

Zayn blinked, suddenly snapping out of it.

"Um, I-I don't-"

"C'mon." Harry whispered, reaching down to touch him again.

"No, no I- we can't." Zayn stammered, quickly getting off of him.

"Why not?" Harry frowned, sitting up.

"I don't...we're supposed to be taking things slow, remember?" Zayn asked.

Harry pressed his swollen lips together, a blush growing on his cheeks.

"Yeah. You're right. I'm sorry, I guess I just got carried away."

"You got carried away? I'd say I was the one who got carried away. Your neck looks so bad." Zayn said, blushing as well now.

"I don't care. I love it." Harry smiled.

"I want you to mark me up. Shows that I'm yours." He said without thinking.

There was an awkward pause.

"Even though I-I'm not." He added quietly.

Zayn swallowed. "I want you to be." He said quietly, his heart pounding.

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