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"Harry, it's almost dinner time." Zayn said.

They were laying in his bed, with Harry half way on top of him and half way awake.

"Mhmm." Harry hummed, bringing Zayn's hand back to play with his hair.

"You need to take me home now." Zayn chuckled.

"I really don't want to." Harry whined, slipping his arms around Zayn's thin frame and squeezing him, his head on Zayn's chest.

"You're the definition of clingy." Zayn chuckled, trying to breathe.

Harry paused, lifting his head. "What?"

"I said you're the definition of clingy." He repeated.

Harry let go of him, sitting up. "I'm sorry." He said, looking hurt.

Zayn chuckled. "I was just kidding, Harry. I meant because of how you were actually clinging to me."

"Oh." Harry said, feeling like an idiot.

"You're so cute." Zayn said in a funky accent, sitting up and pinching Harry's cheeks.

Harry grinned, grabbing his wrists and leaning forward to kiss him.

Zayn hummed, sinking into it and holding Harry's sides as Harry straddled his lap.

"I know what you're doing." Zayn said against his lips.

"Is it working?" Harry asked, kissing him firmly.

"Maybe." Zayn mumbled, loving the way Harry's pretty lips felt against his own.

Harry smiled some, the two sitting there kissing for ages.

Eventually, Harry pulled back just a bit to take his shirt off, and Zayn stopped him.

"Take me home, Harry." He said softly, smiling at him.

Harry pouted, moving further up against him and making sure to grind.

"No, stop," Zayn said, immediately pushing until Harry was off of his lap.

"My mom will be mad, we have to go."

Harry sighed heavily, reluctantly getting out of bed.

"You'll see me tomorrow, I don't get what the big deal is." Zayn chuckled, getting his stuff together.

"I have to sleep alone tonight. I've grown to hate that since you came along." Harry said sadly.

"Can I call you?" He asked.

"Harry, I have homework." Zayn said as they walked downstairs.

"That doesn't answer my question at all." Harry said.

"Maybe when I'm done doing all the work I've neglected because of you." Zayn smiled.

"Fine." Harry smiled back at him.


Later that week on a rainy Tuesday morning, Zayn woke up late.

Probably because he hadn't slept the night before because his busy mind wouldn't let him.

He had to rush, which he hated, so the day began with him in a bad mood.

"Hey babe." Harry smiled, coming up to him as he and Niall got out of the car.

"Hey." Zayn said, not having the strength to fake a smile.

Harry stood there with a large pastel pink umbrella, and wore black rainboots with his outfit rather than his usual boots.

Perspective [Zarry]Where stories live. Discover now