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"I'm out." Louis said through his hand and busted lip as he got up, leaving.

"What just happened? I come down from my office for ten minutes to make some coffee and you all are out here making all this noise." Harry's mom compmained.

"We're sorry." Harry said.

"I asked a question. What was with all the yelling? What just happened?"

"Louis came back to bring me some of my old stuff I left at his place and he started saying things that made me upset and Zayn showed up to surprise me and we all argued, they fought, then you walked in." Harry said, tears running down his cheeks.

"I see." She said quietly.

"When did you and Louis break up?" Anne asked.

"I don't know. A while ago? He cheated on me." Harry sniffed, wiping the old tears away as new ones fell.

"Oh. Well, now you have....Zayn?" She frowned.

Zayn nodded.

"Yeah, Zayn. So please stop crying, Harry. That seems to be the only thing I ever remember you doing is crying." Anne said.

"Yeah because- you know what? Nevermind. You wouldn't get it or care anyway. I'll cry if I want to, you hear me? You've never dried a single tear so you have no right to tell me not to cry." Harry said before he turned and stormed off upstairs.

Zayn felt like he could've suffocated from the awkwardness.

"Um, nice to meet you." He mumbled, hurrying after Harry and rubbing his sore knuckles.

"That's it." Harry said sharply, coming out of his closet with a suitcase as Zayn walked into the room.

"What?" Zayn asked, watching him slam it down on the bed.

"I can't stay here anymore. I can't...have any part of this life anymore but you. I'm starting over. I'm moving out." Harry said, going back into the closet and coming out with his arms full of clothes.

"I'll stay in a hotel until I find a place." He cried, turning and stomping back into the closet after dumping the clothes in the suitcase.

"Harry stop." Zayn said, going after him.

"No! I'm sick of being here she wouldn't know if I left anyway!" Harry spat, jerking a few shirts off their hangers.

"I said stop." Zayn said calmly, grabbing his arms.

Harry dropped the shirts, stepping over them and into Zayn's arms as he broke down.

"You're not thinking clearly right now. Where are you going to live? How will you pay for it?" Zayn asked, holding him tightly.

"I'll just- use my card for it all." He sniffed.

"Harry." Zayn said knowingly. "You know you'd need her help. At least financially."

"No, my dad lives in this-this mansion in Mexico, he has more money than we do. I'll get him to transfer enough to my account for me to get started and I'll get a job from there." Harry said shakily.

"You're sure he'll do that?" Zayn asked doubtfully.

Harry nodded, sniffing again and wiping his eyes. "He will. I know I can get him to."

"Well....where are you gonna live?" Zayn asked, reluctantly letting Harry slip out of his arms.

"I dunno, I guess I'll get an apartment in the city." Harry shrugged, beginning to feel excited.

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