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Massive Zarry feels coming your way, you've been warned


Harry took the journal from Zayn, quickly putting it back in the box and putting the box away.

Zayn stood up with him, biting his lip. "Harry-"

"So, how about that movie?" Harry asked, heading towards the living room.

"Harry stop." Zayn ordered, deciding not to chase after him.

Harry stopped, looking at the floor and biting his lip.

He stood facing away from Zayn, and wasn't going to turn around.

"You think I'm going to let you walk away after I just found out you love me?" Zayn asked.

"I don't know." Harry mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Zayn frowned, approaching him.

Harry swallowed. "It's strange. In the past when I've said I love you I guess I never meant it."

He turned, looking at Zayn now. "It was never this...much. It never took over me like this. I never felt so shaky before."

Zayn pulled Harry into his arms, kissing him tenderly.

"I love you too, Harry." He said softly when their lips parted.

Harry chuckled, hiding his face in Zayn's neck.

He couldn't stop smiling.

Zayn hugged him, his cheeks feeling warm after saying that.

In fact, the moment he caught on to the fact that Harry loved him he felt different.

He'd never felt safe like this.

Never so sure, and comfortable.

"It's so nice when it's real." Harry said quietly, hugging him back.

"I agree." Zayn said, realizing there was no going back now.

He was perfectly okay with that fact.

"I love you so much."

"Are you crying?" Zayn frowned.

"Shush I'm just an emotional person." Harry said, hugging him tighter.

"I love you just as much." Zayn smiled, stroking Harry's curls.

"Hey," He began, moving them apart enough so he could see Harry's face and wipe his tears.

"Let's make tonight special."

"How?" Harry sniffed, looking into Zayn's eyes.

"Maybe we could go out?" Zayn suggested.

"Like to dinner?" Harry asked.

Zayn nodded. "If you want. Then maybe after dinner we could stop by the drug store and come back here." He said, his hands on Harry's hips now, rubbing slowly.

"Why a drug store?" Harry smiled, looking at him fondly.

"They sell condoms there, don't they?" Zayn asked, smiling at the way Harry's expression changed.

"You...You really want to?"

Zayn nodded again. "I can just- I can feel it, Harry. I know it's right. I've never felt like this and...I'm ready."

Harry grinned with excitement. "Well do we even need to go to dinner? I mean-"

"Yes, Harry." Zayn chuckled, kissing his cheek before letting him go.

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