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On Saturday morning Niall woke up with a small smile on his face.

Zayn invited him to stay over last night, and not only did Niall get to eat Zayn's mom's cooking, but he got to stay up most of the night talking to Zayn and listening to what he had to say.

Plus, because he 'forgot' to bring pajamas, he was laying here in one of Zayn's old band shirts and a pair of his pajama pants.

It was all too big for Niall, which made it perfect.

Zayn even cleaned his room for Niall, which he informed him of multiple times.

Niall breathed in deeply through his nose, snuggling down further into Zayn's bed.

It always smelled so nice here.

He looked over at Zayn who was still sleeping, blushing as he studied his face from such a short distance.

Niall had been living with this little crush he had on Zayn for almost two years now.

He knew he needed to get over it but it was so hard.

Zayn was so perfect.

Niall knew Zayn didn't see him as a potential boyfriend at all, but that didn't stop him from dreaming.

He often wondered how Zayn would react if he just kissed him.

Niall wanted to, but he very much lacked the guts.

Zayn began to stir, so Niall quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Zayn blinked his eyes open, looking over at Niall before be rolled onto his back with a yawn.

He rubbed his eyes, scratching his head and sitting up.

He reached over to got his phone to check it, seeing a goodbye text from his mom.

That, and 4 missed calls from Harry along with a text from him.

From Harry: He cheated on me and I don't know what to do

Zayn's heart sank, and he immediately felt bad for Harry.

Regardless of how obvious it had been that Louis was cheating.

"Zayn?" Niall asked, pretending he just woke up.

"Yeah?" Zayn replied, holding on to his phone and looking towards the window.

He didn't know where to begin with how to comfort Harry.

Not that it was his job or anything.

"What's for breakfast?" Niall smiled.

Zayn chuckled, turning and looking at him. "How about a knuckle sandwich?"

"I'm allergic. I was hoping for cereal. Or we could go out for breakfast." Niall suggested.

"You can have cereal if you want, I'm not really hungry as soon as I wake up. If I am it means I didn't eat dinner the night before." Zayn said.

"Okay. I'll be in the kitchen." Niall said, getting up.

"Yeah, I'll be in there in a second." Zayn said with another yawn.

He looked back at his phone, deciding to call Harry.

It rang almost four times before Harry answered with a hoarse voice.

"Hey I got your text. I'm sorry Harry." Zayn said quietly.

"Me too. I'm lost now. I can't face him. I can't...look at him and tell him I never want to see him again. He's called me like fifteen times." Harry said.

"Harry....you have to face him. Once you cut those final strings you'll be free." Zayn said.

"But I don't want to be free. I don't want to be alone." Harry cried.

"You won't be alone. You'll have...school, and the play, and...your friends." Zayn said stiffly.

"You know all of that is bullshit."

"Yeah I know. I guess what I should've said was...you have me." Zayn blushed.

"You're right. You're all I have now, Zayn." Harry told him.

"Listen, maybe if you did what you have to do with Louis over the phone it won't be so bad." Zayn suggested.

"Okay." Harry said shakily.

"Yeah, just call him and tell him how it is." Zayn said.

"That's a good idea. Thanks Zayn." Harry said.

"Of course. I'll be here so you can call me after if you want or if you still need to talk."

"Oh, okay. You sure you're not busy?" Harry asked.

"No, I just-"

"Zayn I can't find that one spoon I really like- oh." Niall said when he saw Zayn was on the phone.

"You just?"

"Nothing." Zayn said, giving Niall a look.

Niall also gave him a look, walking over and getting in bed beside him.

"Zayn, come back to bed." He said loud enough so whoever he was talking to could hear.

Zayn smiled and playfully pushed him away, getting up from his bed. "Sorry about that. I promise I'm not busy. I'm here if you need me."

"Is there something I should know?" Harry chuckled. "Did you find your spark?"

"No, just my next murder victim." Zayn said, looking at Niall, who grinned.

"Um, okay. Well I-I guess I'll call him now." Harry said.

"Good luck." Zayn said before they hung up.

"What favorite spoon?" Zayn frowned at Niall.

"The one with the blue handle I use every time I come over." Niall said, following him into the kitchen.

"I'm pretty sure it broke." Zayn said.

Niall faked a pout.

"You'll just have to use a regular spoon." Zayn shrugged.

"It'll never be the same." Niall said, getting a regular spoon and sitting down.

"I know the feeling." Zayn said quietly.

"So who was on the phone?" Niall asked as he started eating.

"Harry." Zayn replied casually.

"What's up with him this time?" Niall asked.

"Found out his boyfriend was cheating on him." Zayn said.

"And he called to tell you that? What are you his relationship counselor?" Niall scoffed.

"Well not anymore. There is no relationship."

Niall noticed the fact that Zayn was smiling some as he said that.

"Why are you smiling?" He chuckled.

"What?" Zayn asked quickly.

"I asked why you were smiling when you said there is no relationship anymore. Why would you be happy about that?"

"Happy about- what? I'm not happy about it I'm just...just relieved that he won't be telling me about it anymore. It was getting on my nerves." Zayn lied.

Niall knew he was lying, but he wasn't ready to start teasing him about the obvious quite yet.

"Sure." Niall smiled.

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