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"H-Harry can-"

"Mmm- Harry wait, wait," Zayn breathed, pushing him back some.

They were halfway clothed and tangled up on the couch with a half empty pizza box on the coffee table.

"What?" Harry asked, staring at his slightly swollen lips.

Zayn swallowed. "Um,"

"Ready to move to the bed?" Harry asked.

Zayn looked up into his eyes, his cheeks turning red. "Y-Yeah."

"I'm just as nervous as you are, you know. I'm just too excited to show it." Harry smiled.

"I can feel a good amount of your excitement." Zayn said quietly.

Harry chuckled, kissing him again.

It was meant to be short, but something erupted between them and moments later Zayn had worked Harry's jeans off and made his way on top of him.

Harry was constantly pulling him closer, occasional sounds of desperation leaving his body.

"Fuck- the bed. The bed. C'mon." Zayn said, forcing himself to stop.

Harry huffed getting up and racing after him.

Their bodies tangled together again in the hallway, sharing heated kisses and grabbing each other.

Zayn pinned Harry against the wall, working on probably the fifth hickey.

Harry hummed, his fingers curled in Zayn's dark hair.

"I love you so much." Zayn whispered to him taking a pause, their foreheads rested against each other.

"I love you too." Harry replied, feeling like he was floating.

The two stood there like that, having such a tender moment before they went right back to craving each other more than ever.

Harry shoved the door out of the way, the two of them stumbling towards the bed as the door smacked back against the wall.

They fell into bed together, rolling until Zayn was on top.

"You're positive you want to do this?" Harry asked, looking up at him.

"Of course. You have my heart, Harry. This is it. You and me." Zayn said softly, making Harry smile.

They kissed again, pulling each other close.

Zayn slowly kissed down Harry's torso, tugging his underwear down and gently kissing over his scars.

Harry blushed, watching him.

He tossed Harry's underwear aside, his eyes slowly moving up and down Harry's naked body.

"Quit staring at me like that." Harry smiled, sitting up.

"Can't help it." Zayn smiled, kissing his nose.

"Lay back down." Zayn said quietly, getting out of his own underwear.

Harry did just that, biting his lip as Zayn reached over and got the lube.

He began to spread it on his fingers, and Harry was riddled with nervousness and excitement.

Harry sat up one last time, kissing Zayn passionately.

"I love you Zayn." Harry said, his breath able to be felt on Zayn's lips.

"I love you too." Zayn replied, looking into his eyes.

"Now shut up and lay down." He chuckled.

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