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One slow Wednesday in class, Zayn felt his phone vibrate.

Nobody else was doing anything productive, and the teacher had walked out ages ago.

Zack, who was next to him, was deep into a drawing, and probably wouldn't notice if the room exploded around him.

So, Zayn took his phone out to check it.

From H💙: I miss you xxx

To H💙: we just saw each other xx

To H💙: but I miss you too

From H💙: I was thinking about you last night

From H💙: in the shower ;)

Zayn chuckled.

To H💙: yeah?

From H💙: it was hot and steamy. You're hot and steamy. So of course

Zayn blushed.

To H💙: how am I steamy you dork

From H💙: when you're breathing on my neck, and on my face...

To H💙: ah

From H💙: I came in the shower playing with myself while thinking about you

Zayn swallowed, that image flooding his mind and making his jeans tighter.

From H💙: All hot, and wet. Felt so good. Wish you could've been there :(

Zayn put his phone down, squirming where he sat and clearing his throat.

To H💙: same. So do you know what's for lunch?

From H💙: meet me in the bathroom and I'll show you what you can eat ;)

"Dear God," Zayn said to himself, his voice cracking.

To H💙: if you care about me at all you'll stop this

From H💙: ???

To H💙: don't make me have to hide another boner

From H💙: aww babe

Zayn blushed again, sighing heavily.

From H💙: I guess I'll stop

To H💙: that'd be gr8

From H💙: so what's for dinner tonight?

Zayn smiled.

To H💙: dunno, mom's working late. She left money for pizza. Sound like a date?

From H💙: absolutely. Can I drive you home?

To H💙: that would make more sense. I'll talk to Niall xx

From H💙: xx


Niall pretended to be offended when Zayn asked to ride home with Harry instead, but he really didn't mind.

However, he did mind Zack running up to him after school, begging for a ride.

"Please? I can't ride the bus." He said, such a desperate look in his eyes.

"Why not?" Niall asked, as if it was such a huge issue for him to drive Zack home.

"There's...this guy who kind of gives me a hard time and I'm scared, okay? I'm pathetic and scared." Zack said, looking at his feet.

"Oh. I didn't know. Yeah, I'll drive you home." Niall said quietly, feeling bad for him.

He knew what that was like.

"I know I need to stand up to him but I'm just so afraid. I've been beaten up before and I cried myself to sleep for like a week after it happened. It messes me up so bad." Zack vented.

Niall just nodded, not sure what to say.

"Maybe I'll just kill myself." Zack muttered as they got in the car.

"You sound just like Zayn before he was dating Harry." Niall commented.

Zack looked at him for an explanation.

"He used to go on about wanting to kill himself." Niall said.

"Oh. Do I really go on about it?"

"You say it like once a day." Niall told him.

"Shit, I'm sorry. That's annoying."

"I'm used to it because of Zayn." Niall smiled.

"Did he...ever get really serious with it? You know, ever actually...." Zack trailed off.

"No. Well," Niall thought a moment.

"Not really. There were times when it got pretty bad but he never tried anything. If he did I'd give him a good smack." Niall said, making Zack smile.

"You really care about him." Zack said.

"Of course."

Zack kept looking at him. "Does it hurt you seeing him and Harry all over each other in the halls and stuff?"

"Hurt? No." Niall frowned.


"Well, I heard you used to have a thing for Zayn." Zack said quietly.

"Heard from who?" Niall asked.

"Leeroy." Zack said.

"Sounds about right." Niall muttered.

Zack glanced downward. "So did you?"

Niall shrugged. "Maybe. I mean I don't know how anyone with eyes wouldn't have a thing for him, you know? It was nothing serious." He lied.

"Oh. That's good. It would suck having to see them feed each other and make out all the time if you had feelings for Zayn." Zack said.

Niall tightened his grip on the wheel. "Yep."

"I'm sensing some anger here." Zack chuckled.

"And I'm sensing you're trying to make trouble. We don't fuck with that in our group. If you want to be a little bitch go hang out with Leeroy." Niall said coldly.

"Hey, calm down, I was just kidding okay? I'm sorry." Zack said, frowning at him.

"Well I'm just telling you the truth. We don't fuck around with drama queens."

"I'm not a drama queen." Zack said quietly.

"Fine, subtract the drama." Niall sneered, beyond angry now.

Zack stared at him. "Are you calling me a queen?"

"Good job." Niall muttered.

"Why are you so angry? I said I was sorry."

Niall licked his lips, feeling like he had every reason to be angry.

"Just shut up."

Zack raised his eyebrows. "You are jealous of Zayn and Harry."

"No I'm not! You're pissing me off with your stupidity!" Niall spat.

"Okay." Zack said knowingly.

"Zayn and Harry are obviously happy with each other. I haven't seen Zayn so happy since I met him. Why would I be jealous? I'm happy for my friend." Niall said, trying to calm down.

"Okay." Zack said again, more sincerely this time.

"My friend." Niall repeated, realizing it'd been weeks since he and Zayn did anything together.

Sure, he would think about calling him but he knew he was tangled up with Harry somewhere.

Zack glanced at him.

Niall shook his head, focusing on driving.

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