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"Zayn, calm down." Niall said quietly, noticing how shaky he was.

Zayn glared at him. "Telling someone with crippling anxiety to calm down is like telling a fish not to swim."

"Sorry." Niall said quickly.

"I-I just want to help."

"Go up there for me." Zayn said, sinking down in his seat.

"I don't know your part, Zayn." Niall said.

"Here, read over it. I'm Cameron. Will you go up there for me?" Zayn asked desperately.

Niall never wanted to say no to him, but he knew Zayn needed to do this.

"Um, well maybe-"

"You nervous, babe?" Leeroy smiled as he walked by, stopping and looking at Zayn.

Niall frowned at him.


"A little, I guess. What are we waiting for?" Zayn asked.

"Harry hasn't shown up yet." Leeroy said.

"Of course not. Why don't we just start without him before I pass out?" Zayn asked.

"He's Matthew. We can't start without him. If you need to go to the bathroom to scream or splash some water on your face go ahead." Leeroy said before he walked off.

Zayn sighed heavily, standing up. "Where the hell could he be? He was here at school today so where the fuck did he go? Did he get lost?"

"Maybe he had to go get something from his car." Niall shrugged.

"He parks where the teachers do! He doesn't have far to go!" Zayn yelled.

"If he can't show up on time he doesn't deserve to be in this fucking play. Let Niall read for Matthew and let's just do this!" Zayn snapped, irritated.

"I agree." One of the extras spoke up.

Leeroy bit his lip, looking at Niall.

"I wouldn't mind." Niall spoke up, blushing.

"Okay, let's start with...." Leeroy trailed off, everyone looking towards the doors when Harry came in.

"Fucking perfect." Zayn muttered.

Harry came in fixing his hair, his shirt on backwards.

"Please try to make it on time." Leeroy said.

"Sorry." Harry blushed, smiling.

"Let's get started." Leeroy sighed, hopping up on stage with ease.

Zayn gulped, flinching as Niall rested a hand on his shoulder. "You got this, okay?"

"Yeah." Zayn said shakily, getting his script.

Niall sat back down, watching closely as they all began.

He gave Zayn a thumbs up each time they made eye contact, which was often.

"Can we get a hug or something after the I love you?" Leeroy spoke up after one of Matthew and Cameron's scenes.

"No." Zayn said coldly.

"A hug won't kill you." Harry said, walking up to him.

"No, don't touch me." Zayn warned, stepping back.

Harry sighed, looking at Leeroy.

Zayn looked at Harry's neck, feeling disgusted by the amount of hickeys.

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