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"I'm sorry for being an asshole." Zayn said when Niall stopped in his driveway.

Niall looked at him, sighing softly and slowly letting his hands slide down off the wheel. "I know you had a hard day, it's okay."

"But, Zayn?"


"I don't think I'm the one you should be apologizing to." Niall said quietly.

Zayn sighed now. "I know. I can't apologize to him right now. I just need more time to...whatever." He said, honestly just wanting to go to bed.

"Well, make sure you do." Niall said.

Zayn looked at him. "I mean I might. He was the one who kept pushing it."

"He was just trying to help, Zayn." Niall told him.

"Whatever." Zayn muttered. "See you tomorrow." He said before getting out of the car.

He went inside and tossed his bag in the corner, breaking out a new canvas.

He let himself get lost, down on the floor painting for hours.

By the time he finished, his mom was home.

"How was school?" She asked after they'd been eating dinner in silence for a bit.

"Fine." Zayn lied.

He'd been lying about school to his mother for years.

"How was work?"

"Fine." Trisha also lied.

"How are things with the boyfriend?" She smiled.

Zayn looked her, taking a moment to realize that the one time things with him and Harry weren't okay, his mother decided to ask about their relationship.

Funny how the universe seemed to work that way.

"Zayn?" Trisha asked, frowning a little.

Zayn blinked. "Um, fine."

"You sure?"

He nodded, looking down at his plate.

Trisha didn't say anything else, deciding to wait.

She knew it was coming.

Zayn glanced at her, able to tell what she thought she knew by her expression.

He wasn't going to say a word.

They ate the rest of their dinner in silence, and just as Trisha got up to collect the plates Zayn huffed.

"Okay I kind of yelled at him today because he kept asking me what was wrong and claiming there had to be a reason I was sad or whatever and I was just really mad."

"Niall told me I need to apologize because Harry was just trying to help but I don't want to." Zayn practically pouted, folding his arms.

Trisha gave him a look. "Now Zayn,"

"I know, I know." He sighed, waving his hand to silence her.

"Are you sure you don't want to? Or maybe you don't know how?" She asked.

Zayn looked up at her with those big eyes, and she already knew the answer.

"Sunshine, just call him and apologize. Or if that...makes you nervous maybe do something considerate for him then apologize in person when you get the chance." She suggested.

"Something considerate." Zayn repeated.

"Yeah, maybe...if he really likes muffins get him some muffins." She shrugged.

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