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On Monday at lunch, Zack and Harry were the first to arrive at the table.

After they sat down Harry couldn't help but notice how much and how fast Zack was texting.

"Heated argument?" Harry asked, trying to be casual with his nosey nature.

"No, just telling her how much I love her." Zack smiled, glancing at Harry.

"Your mom?" Harry frowned.

Zack chuckled. "I haven't seen my mom in fourteen years. I'm texting my girlfriend."

Harry frowned even more. "Girlfriend?"

"Yeah, why do you say it like that? I know you're gay but you have heard of girls, right?" Zack joked.

"Of course I have I just- I thought you were...um, I thought-"

"You thought I was gay." Zack said, staring at him.

"Kinda, yeah." Harry said shamelessly.

"Why?" Zack asked. "Because so many people have said that to me and I don't get it. They never have a specific reason they're just like you give off a gay vibe."

"Well...you do. Sorry I can't explain it any better." Harry chuckled.

Zack sighed. "I mean it's okay I just...when you're one thing and people keep assuming you're something else it can get frustrating."

Harry stared at him, finally feeling a tiny connection with him.

"I understand that." He said with a slight smile.

"I can still hang out with you guys even though I'm not gay, right?" Zack asked jokingly.

Harry smiled fully this time. "Of course. I feel better now that I...know more about you."

Zack smiled back, nodding before he went back to texting.

"You know, your hair reminds me of hers." Zack added.

"My hair reminds you of your girlfriend's hair?"

Zack nodded.

"What're you saying? That I look like a girl?" Harry chuckled.

"Kinda, yeah." Zack mocked.

"Well, at least I know how to take care of my curls." Harry smirked.

Zack looked at him. "I'm offended."

"Aw." Harry faked a pout before they both laughed.

"I don't care how my hair looks." Zack shrugged, looking back at his phone.

"Wish I could say the same." Harry said quietly, remembering how much it bothered him when someone insulted his hair.

"Well you wouldn't have to care as much if you cut it. Mine used to be a lot longer and since I cut it I've stopped worrying with it so much." Zack said.

"Really?" Harry asked, feeling his own hair.

Zack nodded.

"I don't think I could do it." Harry said, shaking his head.

"Do what?" Zayn asked as he and Niall sat down.

"Cut my hair."

Zayn looked at him. "You want to?"

"I don't think so. I mean, it just crossed my mind." Harry shrugged.

"Well, it's up to you. But I like these a lot." Zayn smiled, feeling his curls.

"I know you do." Harry smiled, glancing at Zayn's lips.

"Are you not eating lunch?" Zayn asked, noticing that Harry didn't have a tray of food in front of him.

Harry shook his head.

"Why not?" Zayn asked, feeling concerned.

Harry shrugged. "Just didn't feel like it today."

Zayn's eyes scanned over Harry's expression and posture.

"You okay?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired." Harry smiled.

It wasn't a real smile.

"Here." Zayn said, holding a bite of diced peaches out for him.

"You're going to feed me?" Harry chuckled.

"Whatever helps you eat." Zayn said. "You have to eat." 

"Or what?" Harry teased.

"Seriously, Harry." Zayn chuckled. "Please eat something."

Harry smiled some before parting his lips and letting Zayn feed him.

By the time the bell rang, Zayn had fed Harry his whole plate.

"You didn't get any lunch." Harry realized, swallowing the last of it.

He'd been loving Zayn's attention so much he hadn't noticed.

"I'll be okay." Zayn smiled at him.

"No, you have to eat. Come have dinner with me tonight." Harry said.

"Smooth." Zayn smiled. "But um, how about you come eat dinner with me and my mum?" He asked bravely.

"Really?" Harry asked, his whole face lighting up.

"Yeah, she wants to meet you and...I want to cook for you." Zayn decided as he got to the end of his sentence.

Harry smiled, kissing him gently.

"I'm already excited."


"Your smoke detector is so loud." Harry laughed after Zayn got it to shut up.

"We don't need garlic bread, we'll be fine." He sighed, throwing the charred pieces of bread away.

"Are your smoke detectors quiet?" Zayn frowned at him, turning away from the trash.

"Compared to yours, yes." Harry said.

Zayn hummed knowingly. "You know why? Insurance. The government wants your house to burn because of how big it is and all the money you'll be paying to insurance. Sure, insurance will pay some for the damage but you'll be paying them more."

"The government gave us quiet smoke detectors because they want my house to burn down...for insurance money?" Harry asked skeptically.

Zayn nodded. "They also want you or your mom or the maids to get burned too. Hospital bills." He said, tapping the side of his head with his finger.

Harry couldn't help but laugh at him. "Okay Zayn, whatever you say."

"So um, I mean I basically know this by now but you live here with your mom, right? Just your mom?" Harry asked.

Zayn nodded, stirring the spaghetti noodles.

"What about your dad?" Harry asked quietly.

"He's gone." Zayn responded, staring into the pot.

"Passed on?" Harry asked delicately.

"More like dead to me. He's alive somewhere." Zayn muttered.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Zayn shrugged. "What about your mom and dad?"

"Divorced, remember? I live with my mom but she...well, you know, she's always off in her office working. My dad is in Mexico. I get a call from him maybe...once or twice a year." Harry said.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry." Zayn said, looking at him.

Harry smiled. "It's okay. It was harder when I was a kid. You know, being raised by maids instead of my mother and having no friends. But now I have you."

Zayn smiled fondly at him.

"You do."

A/N: Short, sweet and sour. Stay tuned for Trisha meeting Harry :)
- Zaydrian

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