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"I really hate other people." Zayn said, swallowing as Harry used his free hand to wipe the tears from his cheeks.

Harry's other hand was in Zayn's hair, playing with it.

It was only Wednesday, and the two were under the bleachers, skipping lunch.

Zayn was forced to answer a question he didn't know in front of everyone during his second class, which led to him being humiliated.

He tried to ignore the way it made him feel, but it only built up inside of him.

He broke on his way to lunch when Harry wouldn't stop asking him what was wrong.

Now here they were.

Harry was sitting up, leaning back against one of the poles while Zayn's head was rested on his thighs.

"I don't. But I understand why you do." Harry eventually replied, using his free hand to hold one of Zayn's.

"Why don't you? They're all so worthless and in the way. There to stare, and laugh, and breathe out of their mouths. There to be dumb, and smelly, and stupid looking." Zayn said, beginning to make himself mad.

"Zayn," Harry said gently, squeezing his hand a little. "I don't hate people because...I don't really know them. I just see them as other beings, living their own lives." He shrugged.

"Lives that are insignificant." Zayn muttered.

"They're not insignificant to their parents. Their families don't think they're worthless." Harry said.

"Of course not, they're dumb too." Zayn spat.

Harry pressed his lips together, continuing to play with Zayn's hair.

"Are you angry at yourself?"

Zayn looked up at him. "Course I am. Why else would I lash out towards everyone else?"

"Don't try to shrink me, Harry. I'm fully aware of how fucked up I am."

"Then why don't you do something about it?" Harry asked.

"You saying I'm fucked up?" Zayn asked, giving him a look.

"N-No I just-"

"Relax, I'm kidding." Zayn smiled.

"Making a change is where my knowledge pool gets shallow." Zayn chuckled.

"I see." Harry said, smiling a little.

"Sorry I've been such a baby today." Zayn sighed as he sat up, feeling embarrassed now because he'd broken down and cried in front of Harry.

All because of a stupid question.

"Zayn, you haven't been a baby. You were just expressing your emotions. You can't help what you feel." Harry said.

Zayn rotated his body, facing Harry some more now.

"Is that right, doctor?"

Harry smiled sideways, as if he was trying to stop the smile. "Yeah. I can't help the fact that when I look at you everything feels okay."

Zayn gave him a fond look, blushing lightly.

"That, and I think you're really hot and I want you on top of me." Harry added.

"Will do." Zayn said, moving him and pushing him down on the ground, getting on top of him.

"Zayn wait, here?" Harry chuckled, blushing.

He may have been hinting towards protesting, but his legs still found their way around Zayn's hips.

"Yeah." Zayn smiled before their lips met.

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