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"I'm really glad you're here." Zayn said softly, playing with Harry's hand and fingers.

He would've been playing with his curls but they were still damp from his shower.

Harry was so happy after he got out, telling Zayn how he smelt like him now.

"I'm glad I'm here too. Tomorrow is going to be hell though." Harry said.


"Zayn, it's already one in the morning. We'll be napping in English." Harry said.

"Yeah, probably." Zayn smiled at the ceiling.

"Then we'll get yelled at." Harry said.


"And you'll cry."

Zayn looked at him. "I will not."

Harry grinned, rolling onto his side and kissing Zayn's jaw.

"It's okay, I'll probably cry too."

"I won't cry." Zayn mumbled just before their lips met.

Harry fought back a smile, pulling Zayn closer.

Zayn kissed him firmly each time, gradually making his way on top of him.

Harry held the sides of his face, eagerly parting his lips.

Zayn slowly licked Harry's lower lip, barely licking into his mouth before he pulled back and went to his neck.

"Why are you teasing me so much?" Harry whispered, his heart pounding.

"Dunno, guess I'm more comfortable in my own home." Zayn smiled, finding Harry's sweet spot.

"Well if that's all it takes, wow." Harry smiled, getting goosebumps.

"Quit." He said in a breathy chuckle, trying to turn his head away.

Zayn hummed knowingly, chasing him and sucking on the spot.

Harry bit his lower lip, dragging his fingernails up Zayn's back and bringing his shirt up as well.

Zayn stopped so Harry could pull it off, diving back in with a passionate kiss that ended with heated tongue play.

As Zayn moved back to his neck, he slid his hand up Harry's side and let his thumb ghost over Harry's nipple.

"Don't start something you're not going to finish." Harry whispered, his skin beginning to get hot.

Zayn smirked, moving back some and looking at him. "Don't worry about it." 

Harry blushed, looking at the ceiling and tangling his fingers in Zayn's hair as Zayn kissed down his chest.

Zayn then pressed his tongue flat against Harry's skin, licking over his nipple.

Harry shuddered, closing his eyes and internally screaming at himself to keep cool, and quiet.

Zayn teased it with his tongue, stopping because of how loud Harry suddenly groaned.

"If you wake my mom up we'll both be killed." Zayn warned, trying not to laugh.

"Sorry," Harry swallowed. "I just um, sorry."

"What is this? Like sweet spot 2.0?" Zayn asked.

"I guess." Harry blushed.

Zayn stared down at him in the low light.

"Here." He said quietly, bringing his thumb up to Harry's mouth.

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