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"Sorry I took so long." Harry said as he came back into his bedroom after his shower.

He was dressed from the hips down with a towel around his head.

Zayn was kicked back on the bed comfortably, channel surfing.

"It's fine. If you'd rather stay here than go out that's fine too." Zayn said, remembering how good that soup had been.

"Sure." Harry smiled, taking the towel off and drying his curls.

Zayn watched him, much more entertained by him than the tv.

"Remind me to get a new bed by the way. Too many memories in that one." Harry said, figuring he'd sleep in one of the guest rooms.

"Makes sense." Zayn said, sitting up.

"What do you want for lunch?" Harry asked, shaking his curls into place and walking towards his closet.

"Anything is fine." Zayn shrugged, watching.

"How about a pizza?" Harry asked.

"That works." Zayn nodded.

"C'mon, I don't want to lay in that bed. The guest bedroom has a bigger tv anyway." Harry smiled, leaving the room.

Zayn chuckled, getting up and following him.

Harry was right.

The tv in the guestroom was twice as big as the one in Harry's bedroom.

Zayn and Harry kicked back in the queen sized bed, watching a bunch of movies and destroying a large pizza after it arrived.

"I kind of wish I didn't have to take you home later." Harry admitted as the movie they were watching came to an end.

Zayn smiled some. "Well I can stay late if you want. My mom won't mind."

"I'd like that." Harry smiled at him.

"And...I wanted to thank you for not taking advantage of me when I was drunk. No matter how much I...asked you to." Harry blushed.

Zayn looked at him. "I'd never do that, Harry."

"Never take advantage of me or never kiss me?" Harry decided to ask, smiling some.

Zayn began to blush now. "Never take advantage of you." He clarified.

"Good." Harry smiled even more.

Zayn chuckled, looking back at the tv.

Harry sighed, casually resting his head on Zayn's shoulder and moving closer to him.

Zayn blushed even worse, trying not to become too tense.

Within the next hour Harry fell asleep, and Zayn was trapped.

He didn't really mind, though.


The next week at school was the week of the play, and Leeroy was racing around school stapling up flyers on Monday.

Niall and Zayn watched from their lunch table, laughing when Leeroy started chasing some kid who pulled one of the flyers down.

"What do you think he'll do to him when he catches him?" Niall asked, catching his breath from laughing.

"Probably slap them." Zayn smiled.

"I kind of want to go see that." Niall said, debating getting up.

Zayn chuckled, seeing Harry approaching their table.

"Hi," Harry smiled. "Um, can I sit with you guys?"

"Sure." Zayn said, smiling as Harry sat across from him next to Niall.

"Why though?" Niall asked, looking at him.

"Got tired of sitting inside with a bunch of people who...aren't my friends." Harry said.

"Well, welcome." Zayn smiled.

Harry smiled back at him. "Thank you."

"Are you feeling nervous yet?"

"About the play? No." Zayn answered.

"Not yet, anyway. I'm kind of looking forward to getting it over with."

Harry nodded. "Me too, I guess."

"You'll both do great. I'm pretty excited to see it." Niall said.

"Yeah, my mom's coming." Zayn said, not too sure if he was happy about that.

"I wish my mom would come." Harry said with a sad smile that caught Zayn's attention.

"Why can't she?" He asked.

Harry swallowed. "She's always busy. Stays in her study or the library. It's okay though....you'll be there." He said, looking at Zayn.

"Well yeah, he's in the play." Niall said in a duh tone.

But Zayn and Harry weren't listening, smiling at each other fondly.

Niall looked at them, getting a bad feeling.

"Which reminds me, I have something to give you after the play." Harry said.

"Yeah?" Zayn smiled.

Harry nodded, blushing a little.

"It's nothing alive is it?" Zayn asked.

"No, it's a surprise. I'm not telling you anything else about it so don't ask." Harry smiled.

"Fine." Zayn chuckled.


Friday night was the night of the play.

Leeroy was zipping around making sure everyone was ready, hyped up off of two cups of coffee and a red bull.

He was dressed in his finest glittery fabric, wearing a headset and constantly waving his clipboard around as he instructed everyone.

"Curtain goes up in two minutes. Give it your best ladies, gentlemen, and everything in between. I want to see perfection, because that's all Payne productions produces." Leeroy winked.

"Such alliteration." Harry commented with a smirk.

He was wearing a varsity jacket, loose fitting jeans, converse, and a backwards snap back. 

Zayn was dressed in a dress shirt that was buttoned all the way up and tucked into khakis, also wearing dress shoes and fake glasses.

"So you do pay attention in English class." Zayn said, looking at him.

"Of course." Harry smiled at him.

"I just want to say that it's been a pleasure working with you all. If you mess this up, please drive to the border and never look back because I will kill you. Thanks, good luck!" Leeroy smiled, blowing a few kisses before he ran off.

Zayn swallowed, his anxiety wrapping its arms around him.

"We've got this, yeah?" Harry asked quietly.

"Sure." Zayn said, lacking confidence.

"Just focus on me. Don't think about your anxiety." Harry suggested.

"That's what I'm doing." He added with a shrug as they stepped into their positions.

"Focusing on yourself?" Zayn teased.

"No, on you. That's usually what I do anyway but tonight there's another meaning." Harry admitted with a blush.

Zayn wanted to say more, but the curtain started to open and the audience got quiet.

This was it.

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