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"Are you serious?" Niall asked when Zayn finished telling him what happened with Harry yesterday.

Zayn nodded, moving his messy hair out of his eyes.

He hadn't even bothered to get out of bed after he called Niall to come over.

He hadn't eaten anything either.

He was too upset.

Too busy hating himself for just leaving Harry like he did.

"That's so fucked up, Zayn." Niall frowned.

"I know. I feel awful. I should've said something, I shouldn't have just left." He replied, feeling numb and trying not to cry anymore.

Zayn hadn't touched his phone since yesterday.

He couldn't bring himself to speak to Harry after that.

"No, I'm talking about what he did!" Niall said.

Zayn looked at him. "What?"

"He was pressuring you into having sex, Zayn. Couldn't you tell?" Niall asked.

Zayn blinked, his whole world being rocked a bit.

He thought for a moment.

"No. I couldn't tell because I'm crazy about him." Zayn said weakly, feeling confused now.

"If you really care about someone you don't pressure them like that." Niall said.

"You also don't run out on them." Zayn mumbled sadly.

"Hey, look at me." Niall said, touching Zayn's arm.

"Sure, leaving without an explanation wasn't the best move, but I'd say Harry's more to blame with this one. Your problem is something you can't help. It's deep. It's emotional. His is just about sex. He's just horny." Niall said.

"Did he ever ask you what was wrong or did he just straight up pressure you?"

"Both. I kept avoiding the answer and he got angry." Zayn said.

"Why didn't you just tell him?" Niall asked quietly.

"It's not easy to tell." Zayn said, his voice cracking.

"You told me." Niall pointed out.

I lied to you, Zayn thought.


"So just tell Harry." Niall shrugged. "If you want to. Personally I'd wait for him to apologize."

"What?" Zayn asked, having just zoned out.

"He tried to pressure you into having sex. That's not okay." Niall frowned.

"Oh." Was all Zayn could say, back to thinking about that again.

Why would Harry do that?

Especially after all that he'd been through?

"In fact, if I were you I'd...maybe take a little break." Niall pressed.

"What do you mean?" Zayn asked.

"From him. Maybe just...take a break for a while."

"Like a few days?"

"Sure." Niall shrugged.

"What about school? I have three classes with him and we eat lunch together. I can't just avoid him." Zayn said.

"You could at least skip tomorrow." Niall suggested.

"Maybe that would send a message."

"Yeah, and it would tell Harry my boyfriend doesn't want to see me anymore. I don't want to send that message." Zayn said.

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