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"Are you asleep?"

"No, you?"

Zayn chuckled. "Go to sleep, it's almost four in the morning."

"I don't want to." Harry said, his words slurring together because he was so sleepy.


"Cos you're here." He mumbled.

His head was rested on Zayn's chest, Zayn's fingers in his hair moving gently.

Zayn was wearing an old shirt and pajama pants while Harry just wore sweats.

It was dark in Harry's bedroom, other than the light from the moon lazily drifting in through the large windows.

"I still have stuff I wanna ask you."

"Like?" Zayn asked, wondering what could possibly be left.

He'd told Harry all of his favorites, even his favorite font.

"Are you a virgin?"

"No." Zayn answered.

"Really?" Harry smiled, expecting him to say yes.


"Who was it?" Harry asked.

"An ex of mine. Why?"

"Just curious. I guess you cared a lot about him, didn't you?"

Zayn licked his lips. "Thought I did. It was mainly about sex. We haven't spoken in years."

"Years? How old were you when you lost your virginity?"

"Fifteen." Zayn replied.


"You?" Zayn asked without thinking.

He felt Harry stiffen, and immediately Zayn felt awful.

"Harry I-"

"Forget it. Let's talk about something else." Harry said.

Zayn pulled him closer, holding him tighter and kissing the top of his head.

"What are you gonna do after we graduate?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. Get a job, I guess. My mom wants me to focus on school and go to college in the fall but...I'd rather make some money." Zayn said.

"What about you?"

"College. There are several that want me and I'm still deciding." Harry said.

"Must be nice." Zayn sighed.

"New topic." Harry said again.

"Um, at school can I hold your hand?"

Zayn chuckled. "What?"

"Like...are you not into public affection or-"

"I made out with you in a school bathroom. I have no problem holding your hand, Harry." Zayn said.

"Good." Harry blushed, smiling.

There was a long silence.

"I like the rain too." Zayn said randomly.

"From inside. I like it when it rains and I'm inside." He clarified.

"Me too. I love to sit in the sun room and watch the water hit the glass." Harry said softly, tracing small patterns on Zayn's torso.

"I like storms too. I think they're beautiful."

"Me too." Harry said again.

"Keep talking." He said.

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