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"There's going to be a huge party this weekend." Niall said to Zayn as they sat down at lunch on Monday.

"Okay." Zayn shrugged, not sure why Niall was bringing this up.

Especially as their first topic of conversation.

"Do you want to go?" Niall asked boldly.

"Not really. You know I don't do parties. Crowds wreck my anxiety." Zayn said.

"That's what the alcohol is for." Niall smiled.

Zayn shook his head. "Still, no. I don't know where it's going to be, plus I wasn't invited."

Niall gave him a look. "You don't have to be invited to these types of parties. You just show up and start having a good time."

"Okay, have fun with that." Zayn said.

"Come with me, please? Maybe as my wingman?" Niall suggested.

Zayn raised an eyebrow. "Wingman?"

Niall nodded shyly, and Zayn smiled.

"So there's someone you're after. Who is it?"

"Nobody, just...this guy from one of my classes." Niall shrugged.

"If you want me to be your wingman you'll have to tell me who it is." Zayn smiled.

"What would I have to do to get you to come without telling you? Maybe...let's say to just come as company?" Niall asked.

Zayn thought about it a moment. "You'd have to pay me."

"How much?" Niall asked.

Zayn chuckled. "Seriously? You're willing to pay me just to come to this party with you so you won't be alone?"

Niall nodded, looking more desperate than he sounded.

Zayn sighed heavily, glancing towards the sky.

"Fine. I'll come with you-"

"Yay! Thank you!" Niall grinned.

"Did you make up the whole wingman thing or is there someone I should know about?" Zayn asked.

Niall shook his head. "Made it up."

"Nice." Zayn said quietly.

"So why are you going? I mean you've never been the party going type." Zayn said.

"Not that you know of. I actually really like to party. But since we became friends I sort of...let that detail fade because I knew you didn't like to party." Niall admitted.

Zayn frowned slightly. "We're allowed to like different things, you know."

"Y-Yeah, I know." Niall said, looking down.

Zayn chuckled, shaking his head. "So who's having the party?"

"Leeroy." Niall said, making Zayn frown.

"Are you sure? He doesn't seem like the party type."

Niall nodded. "I'm positive."

Zayn shrugged it off, looking back down at his lunch.


"So, how are we gonna do this?" Harry asked after the teacher gave them permission to get with their partners.

"Do what?" Zayn asked, not looking at him and copying the math homework Harry had already done and gave to him.

"This project." Harry said.

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