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"Do you think you could survive without your phone?" Zayn asked, he and Harry sitting in the sunroom of Harry's house on Saturday.

"Probably, why?" Harry asked, not looking up from the device.

"What are you doing?" Zayn asked, in need of attention.

It'd been almost five whole minutes.

"Sorry, I was on Instagram. I get lost there- hey, let's take a picture together!" Harry said, getting excited.

"I don't do pictures." Zayn said.

Yesterday evening Niall tried to take a picture of him but Zayn caught him, causing the two to end up in a rather heated pillow fight.

"C'mon, please? We can use Snapchat filters if you want." Harry suggested, moving closer to him.

"The lighting in here is great." Harry added quietly, going to Snapchat.

Zayn started to groan, breaking into a chuckle as Harry kissed his cheek.

"See? Look now you're a puppy." Harry said.

Zayn looked at Harry's phone, not too amused.

So of course Harry captured his expression.

"Don't post that anywhere I look like a murderer." Zayn chuckled.

"No you don't, you look adorable." Harry grinned, saving it before he went to take another.

"Can you at least smile?" He asked, looking at Zayn.

"I could but I'm not going to." Zayn said, staring at himself on Harry's screen.

"Two plus two equals four." Harry said, making Zayn start laughing.

He smiled, taking the picture before Zayn could hide his face.

"See? We have so much aesthetic." Harry said, saving it to post to Instagram.

"Whatever the hell that means." Zayn mumbled, still looking at Harry's phone.

Harry wasn't listening, editing their photo before he posted it.

"What was the caption?" Zayn asked, unable to read it before Harry put his phone down.

Well, he thought he read it but he was going to assume he'd read it wrong.

"Hm?" Harry asked, looking at him.

"The caption. What did it say?" Zayn asked.

"Oh, nothing." Harry shrugged.

"Harry, I saw you type something." Zayn said, giving him a look.

"No you didn't. Hey, wanna make out?" Harry asked, eying Zayn's lips.

"Tell me what you put as the caption." Zayn demanded, leaning back as Harry tried to kiss him. 

"Why does it matter?" Harry chuckled.

"I want to know." Zayn replied, looking into his eyes.

"Puppy love." Harry blushed.

"Pun very much intended." He added before Zayn could say anything.

"You're such a dork." Zayn said quietly, shaking his head a little and continuing to stare at him.

"I could fake a pout and flip my hair if you prefer that." Harry said, referring to his school self.

"No, I guess I'll tolerate how dorky you are." Zayn said, glancing at his lips.

"Well I hope so. I really like you." Harry said, smiling a little.

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