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"Were you talking to yourself again last night?" Trisha asked Zayn as she cleaned up the kitchen, about to leave for work.

Zayn guessed she hadn't seen Harry's car yet.

"Um, no, my friend needed to crash here. He was kind of drunk." Zayn explained.

"Oh. Well that's nice of you." She smiled.

"Well, enjoy your last day of freedom. Be safe, I love you." She said, kissing his head before she left.

"Love you too." Zayn sighed, wondering what to do when Harry eventually woke up.

He didn't know what to say.

He didn't know if Harry would even remember what he told him last night.

This was so awkward.

Zayn couldn't call anyone and ask for advice because he'd have to tell them what Harry told him.

He would never do that.

So he was stuck.

Zayn took a deep breath, leaving the kitchen and going to his bedroom.

His heart started pounding when he walked in and saw Harry sitting up in his bed.

"Hey." Zayn said awkwardly.

"Hi." Harry said quietly, pulling the covers up and covering his body.

"Um, I'm guessing you don't want anything to eat." Zayn said, scratching the back of his neck.

"No. Maybe some pain medication?" Harry suggested.

"Sure." Zayn said, quickly leaving.

Harry swallowed, his head throbbing.

Last night was such a blur, but there were certain parts he remembered.

The party, almost crashing his car, crying.

A lot of crying.

He also remembered Zayn being on top of him.

Did they kiss?

"Here you go." Zayn said, bringing him a glass of water and some pain pills.

"Thanks." Harry said, taking them and swallowing the pills, drinking the rest of the water.

"Um, thank you for letting me sleep here. But...I should probably go home." Harry said, getting up.

Zayn bit his lip, watching Harry pick up his shirt from the floor and frown.

"Uh, did we...." He trailed off, looking at Zayn.

"No, no. Definitely not. You were drunk. I-I would never...no." Zayn said, shaking his head.

"Good." Harry sighed, putting his shirt on.

"You asked me if I thought you were pretty though. And...told me to kiss you." Zayn decided to mention.

"Perfect. Well, I guess that's not as embarrassing as the time I streaked." Harry said, faking a smile.

His fake smiles looked so sad.

"But Harry..." Zayn began, struggling.

Harry looked at him again, pausing.

"Do you remember what you told me last night?" He asked carefully.

"About...the man next door." He added quietly.

Harry sighed shakily. "Yeah I remember. I was kind of hoping that was a dream."

"Well...do you remember what I told you?" Zayn asked.

Harry shook his head no.

"I said that things would change. That from now on things would be better. I promised you that." Zayn said.

"Zayn, please, it's too soon for promises." Harry said weakly.

"I know you were trying to be nice but the fact that I told you that makes me wish I was dead. I...nobody was supposed to know that." Harry said, trying not to start crying again.

Zayn swallowed. "I know. But...I'm not just anybody am I?"

He was taking a pretty big step asking that question.

"Exactly. That's why I really wish I hadn't told you that. You're my only friend and now you know everything. Well- now you know why I act the way I do. You know this isn't who I really am." Harry said.

"I've seen who you really are a few times, Harry. No matter how much you tried to hide it, I saw it. I think that's why we're where we are today." Zayn said.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"Who you really are is why I'm friends with you. The weirdo who loves the rain, and 80's movies, and books." Zayn said.

"Books? How'd you know I like books?" Harry asked.

"I saw the shelf in your room. The cover you usually put over it was laying beside it." Zayn said.


"Why would you cover your bookshelf? Reading is a great thing." Zayn said.

Harry shrugged, not wanting to explain.

"Listen, back to the point, I like who you really are. Don't hide him anymore." Zayn said.

"But I have to-"

"No you don't. I'll help you okay? I don't want you to feel alone anymore. I'm so sorry for ever assuming I knew you. I'm sorry for being such an asshole in the past and I want to make up for that. I'm always here for you, Harry. No matter what you need me for. No more feeling alone." Zayn assured him.

Harry stared at him for ages, looking deep into his eyes.

So much was telling him he was an idiot for being so willing to trust someone again but at the same time he couldn't help but trust Zayn.

He was all he had.

Plus, he just felt like it would be okay.

Harry didn't think Zayn would ever hurt him.

Of course, he felt that way about Louis once and here he was.


"I promise." Zayn said softly, holding his stare.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked shakily, tearing up.

"Harry- of course I'm sure. I promised you last night things would be better. I'm here for you. You're not alone." Zayn said.

"You can trust me." Zayn said as if he'd read Harry's mind.

Harry smiled a little, stepping forward and hugging Zayn.

Zayn hugged him back tightly, chuckling.

"You can trust me too. D'you mind coming back home with me? I want to shower and change and then we can go out for lunch? Maybe?" Harry asked, looking at him with those big green eyes.

Zayn smiled. "Sure, I'd like that."

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