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"Not too bad, is it?" Harry smiled, his hands on his hips.

"Sure." Zayn huffed, flopping down on the couch they'd just moved.

"I can't believe I'm here. I'm finally truly free from my past, Zayn. I have my own place, and two job interviews next week." Harry said, unable to stop smiling.

"The place really looks great. You pick out nice furniture." Zayn said tiredly, running his fingers through his hair.

"Well, you helped. It's really our place. Except only I live here." Harry said sadly.

"Don't." Zayn mumbled, closing his eyes now.

Harry pouted a little, quickly redirecting his thoughts. "We didn't go grocery shopping."

"There's more?" Zayn groaned.

He'd been the main one moving everything, and tiring himself out while Harry mainly gave directions.

Zayn knew if he heard a little to the left one more time he'd shoot himself.

"Well I need food!" Harry chuckled.

Zayn whined a little, not moving.

"Please come grocery shopping with me?" Harry smiled, walking over to him.

Zayn whined again, making Harry chuckle.

"Want to fool around a little first?" Harry asked, sinking down on top of him.

Zayn opened his eyes, smiling at him. "Is this your plan? To win me over by fooling around?"

"Not exactly. I want to relax you and make you feel good so you'll be...more open to going grocery shopping with me." Harry explained, biting his lip to keep from smiling.

Zayn watched, swallowing. "Here?"

"Where else? I mean in a perfect world we'd break in every piece of furniture in this apartment." Harry said softly, rubbing his finger back and forth across Zayn's lower lip.

"Every piece?" Zayn asked.

"Mhmm. Even the counters." Harry said.

Zayn smiled a little. "I think in a perfect world we would kiss a few times then I'll get my lazy ass up and we'll go grocery shopping."

"Only a few times?" Harry pouted.

Zayn stared at his lips. "Maybe more."

Harry smiled, moving his finger and kissing him.

Zayn reached up to feel Harry's curls, parting his lips and deepening the kiss.

Their bodies began to shift, moving to fit closer together.

Harry grinded down against him, sliding his hand up Zayn's torso and bringing his shirt up with it.

Zayn hummed into his mouth, moving his hands down Harry's body and pulling him closer.

"Guess we better buy some condoms at the store, yeah?" Harry smirked when their current kiss ended.

Zayn only chuckled, pulling him close so their lips could meet again.

"Should I?" Harry asked, pulling away.

Zayn looked over his face. "Should you what?"

"Buy condoms."

"Oh. If you want." Zayn said, trying to kiss him again to avoid the conversation.

Harry sat up, straddling Zayn's hips and folding his arms.

"I don't just randomly want condoms, Zayn. I don't collect them. I would buy them for us to use."

"I know." Zayn said.

"Well? Are we?" Harry asked.

"Why does it matter?" Zayn decided to ask.

"We've been dating for months. I want to have sex."

"Well I want the time to be right." Zayn said.

"We've had so many right times!" Harry whined.

"Not to me." Zayn said quietly.

Harry stared at him before he sighed heavily and got off of him.

"Fine! I guess we'll just never have sex. Whatever." He snapped.

"We will! Just not now. Especially not on a couch, c'mon Harry." Zayn said, sitting up.

"Take me in the bedroom then!" Harry snapped.

"I don't want to! There's nothing wrong with not wanting to have sex!" Zayn snapped back at him.

"Well your dick seems to say otherwise. I know you're turned on. I know you want me. So what's the problem?" Harry asked sharply.

Zayn blushed, covering his lap with a pillow.

"Answer me!" Harry yelled.

"Hey!" Zayn barked at him, standing up.

"Don't yell at me." He warned, giving him a look.

"Does it bother you? Does that make you angry? Make you wanna do something?" Harry challenged.

"Hm?" He asked, stepping close.

"Like what?" Zayn asked, his heart pounding.

It wasn't the only thing either.

"Like fuck me until I'm sorry." Harry said softly, staring at Zayn's lips.

Zayn swallowed hard, staring back at him.

Seconds later Zayn grabbed him, pinning him against the wall and kissing him aggressively.

Harry moaned, grabbing handfuls of his hair and keeping him there.

The two shared several heated kisses before Harry pulled Zayn down the hallway.

They fell into bed together, nothing but a tangle of moans and heavy breathing amongst the soft pink sheets.

Zayn took control, pulling Harry's shirt off and flicking his tongue over nipple, making him whimper.

"Please, fuck me." Harry begged, grinding up ahainst him.

He felt so hot, and desperate.

Zayn hummed in response, grinding with him and kissing him hard.

"Please." Harry breathed, his lips against Zayn's ear as Zayn sucked on his sweet spot.

Zayn's mind felt like a hurricane as he realized he was about to do this. 

It was all suddenly so intense, he couldn't block the memories from getting in and ruining the moment.

Like a drop of black ink in a glass of milk they were there.

It was impossible to stop them or ignore them.

They began to spread, making it harder for Zayn to let himself get lost in Harry.

He couldn't focus anymore.

Zayn slowly kissed down Harry's neck, trying his best to ignore it.

But damn it, he just couldn't.

"C'mon, I want you so bad." Harry breathed out with a smile, reaching down to pull Zayn's shirt over his head.

Zayn wanted to scream with frustration, suddenly pulling away and getting off of Harry.

He stormed out of the room with a flushed face and tears in his eyes, his fists and jaw clenched.

Harry frowned, not knowing what to say.

"Z-Zayn?" He called, sitting up.

Harry flinched as he heard the front door slam, suddenly feeling so cold, alone, and confused.

What on earth had he done wrong?

A/N: 'Him' has now been published. Go check it out! Thank you :)

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