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A few weeks later after a heavenly  weekend, heavenly meaning Zayn was at Harry's the whole time, Zayn and Harry were next to each other fighting not to fall asleep in class on Monday morning.

"I might speak English," Zayn began, his words sort of slurring. "But I hate it right now."

"Me too." Harry said quietly, moving his body and leaning over on Zayn, laying his head on Zayn's shoulder.

Zayn held Harry's hand beneath his desk, squeezing it gently.

"I wanna take a nap with you." Harry said.

"Sounds nice." Zayn yawned.

"After you play with my nipples."

Laughter busted out from within Zayn, earning him a few questioning looks.

Harry grinned.

"You said that like twice this weekend." Zayn remembered.

"Yeah, you don't take hints well." Harry complained playfully.

Zayn moved so his lips were closer to Harry's ear. "Meet me in the bathroom after class and I'll lick them."

Harry immediately sat up, staring at him.

"Too weird?" Zayn asked, trying not to laugh.

Harry blushed. "Oh, uh, no I-"

"Wait you really want me to?" Zayn asked.

Harry blushed even worse. "What? No! No that's....no."

"You're so lying right now." Zayn said with an amused smile.

"Shut up." Harry smiled, looking down.

"Gentlemen in the back, quiet please." The teacher said, catching their attention.

"Everyone, we have a new student. Say hello to...." The teacher trailed off, waiting for the boy to introduce himself.

"Zack." He said quietly, looking down at his shoes.

"Hi Zack!" Some idiot across the room said much too loudly on purpose, making the other idiots laugh.

They all disgusted Zayn.

"Okay, take a seat wherever you'd like." The teacher said.

Zack slowly lifted his head, looking around the room with green-grey eyes.

He had very thick dark eyelashes that matched his head of wild black curly hair.

He also had a noticeable cleft in his chin, sharp cheekbones, and full lips.

His skin was olive toned, and he wore all black other than the white stripe on his shoes.

"Zack, sit down." The teacher said when he just stood there.

He quickly did so, seeming stiff.

Which was understandable.

"We should invite him to eat lunch with us. It must suck being new." Harry said quietly.

Zayn nodded a bit, noticing all of the pins decorating Zack's plain black backpack.

He just might have been a decent human being.

That was rare here.


"I'm going to be late." Zayn warned, making no effort to separate himself from Harry.

"So?" Harry asked before their lips met again.

Everyone was hurrying to class, which meant they had the bathroom to themselves.

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