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"I can tell you and show you all about this stuff now." Zayn smiled, following Harry into his bedroom.

Niall had dropped both of them off first after they all had lunch.

"Oh, so you couldn't in the store but you can now?" Harry asked, even more pissed than betore.

Mainly because he'd been dropping hints the whole time during lunch and Zayn hadn't picked up on any of them.

He and Zack were too busy talking about their favorite foods and how crazy it was that they liked the same thing.

"Well...yeah. I have to get the stuff first before I can show you." Zayn said slowly, staring at him.

Harry scoffed, angrily taking his coat off and slamming it on the bed before stomping off to the bathroom.

"What the hell did I do?" Zayn frowned, following him.

"You completely ignored me the whole time! I had to learn about the time Niall almost ate two whole pizzas and then threw up!" Harry snapped, giving him a look from where he stood at the bathroom counter.

"I didn't ignore you, Harry. I'd never do that. Maybe I just didn't hear you-"

"Yeah! You were too busy with Zack!" Harry said aggressively.

"Oh, is that it?" Zayn asked as he caught on.

"Harry, Zack is nothing but my friend, okay? That's it-"

"I don't care about that! You were still basically ignoring me and talking to him!" Harry said sharply.

"Well...I'm sorry." Zayn said, feeling like Harry was overreacting.

"I get that he's your friend but I'm your boyfriend. I matter more. I deserve your attention first." Harry said sternly.

"Sorry." Zayn said, not meaning to shrug.

That set Harry off.

"Is this some joke to you?" He yelled.

"Calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down!"

Zayn held his hands up in surrender, looking at the floor.

"Is that all you have to say? Just sorry?" Harry asked after he took a deep breath and gathered himself.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or make you upset, Harry. I'm sorry for that. It's just nice to have a friend that I have so much in common with, you know? I guess I got carried away." Zayn said.

"Yeah." Harry said quietly.

"Do you think he's attractive?" He mumbled, cutting his eyes over at Zayn.

"What? What does that have to do with-" Zayn stopped himself as Harry gave him a look.

"Not at all." He said quickly.

"I'm sorry too, okay? I shouldn't have yelled." Harry sighed.

Zayn pressed his lips together, not exactly sure what he could say or do.

"I'm sorry, Zayn." Harry said, looking into his eyes.

"No problem." Zayn said stiffly.

Harry frowned a little.

"I mean, um, it's okay." Zayn quickly corrected himself.

Harry walked up and hugged him. "I get a little crazy sometimes, I know."

Zayn chuckled, hugging him back. "Maybe."

"I just like you a lot." Harry said softly.

"I like you just as much. You don't ever have to worry about that." Zayn said, remembering that Harry was cheated on.

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