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"Babe? Hey." Harry said, sitting in bed with his tablet and a mug of hot chocolate nearby.

It'd been a long Tuesday at school, and he missed Louis now more than ever.

The last few weeks had been quite calm, and he'd kept supplying Zayn with answers.

Things between them were pretty normal, and Harry felt confident about the rehearsal they had tomorrow afternoon.

In fact, he was looking forward to it.

Zayn was a lot nicer when given test answers.

"Oh, hey." Louis said, sounding busy.

"I haven't heard from you in a few days. When are you coming back? I miss you." Harry said sadly.

"I-I know, sorry I lost track of time. Um, actually I'm back." Louis said.

"Really? Are you at the airport? I'll come get you." Harry said.

"No, no I'm at home. I was just really jet lagged and wanted a few days to adjust."

Harry frowned. "A few days?"

"Yeah. I didn't want you to see me all gross and tired looking, you know?"

"You've been here a few days?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." Louis answered casually.

"But I called you yesterday like three times and you didn't answer."

"I was sleeping." Louis chuckled.

"Well...come see me. I need you, Lou." Harry said quietly.

"I'm still really tired, can I see you this weekend?" Louis asked.

Harry's heart sank. "I guess. But are you taking me to school tomorrow? And maybe staying for the rehearsal?"

"I can't, babe. I have a meeting tomorrow and a show to do for Adidas." Louis said.

"Busy day." He added.

"So I have to drive myself?" Harry asked, feeling even worse now.

"I'll see you sometime this weekend, okay? Promise. I'll make it all up to you but I have to go now. Bye babe." Louis said before he hung up.

Harry didn't even get to say goodbye.

He sighed heavily, fighting back tears and throwing his phone across his bed.

He sat there feeling miserable for a short amount of time before he dried his eyes and got out of bed.

Harry put on something expensive and revealing, going and sitting by the window for good lighting.

He took around sixteen selfies, choosing one and posting it.

Each like and comment about how attractive he was boosted his mood until he realized he would be just fine without Louis.

Fuck him.


"That was beautiful. Absolutely perfect. We might as well perform tonight!" Leeroy praised everyone, wiping his tears and clapping.

He was the only one clapping.

Everyone else didn't seem too enthused.

Sure, they all put on a good show and nobody ended up fighting, but everyone was ready to go home.

Zayn took a deep breath, hurrying off stage to calm his nerves.

"That was great." Niall smiled at Zayn, throwing his arms around him.

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