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"That was fun, Zayn." Harry said as he pulled up in Zayn's driveway.

"Yeah, it was. Thanks for inviting me." Zayn nodded, smiling.

"Of course. I'll probably invite you next weekend if you don't have plans."

"Harry, I never have plans." Zayn chuckled.

"Well you will now." Harry smiled.

"Okay. I look forward to it." Zayn said, the two staring at each other for a moment.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow." Zayn said, opening the car door.

"Wait, um, about that," Harry said, making Zayn pause and look at him.

"I know you usually come to school with Niall but if you want me to come get you just let me know. It's on my way sort of." Harry said shyly.

"Niall might try to fight you." Zayn chuckled.

"Oh, yeah okay." Harry said, faking a chuckle as well.

Why couldn't he drive Zayn to school?

Maybe just a few days out of the week?

"Sorry. But I'll still see you tomorrow, okay?" Zayn asked, touching his hand.

"Wait, what about....I mean..." Harry trailed off, blushing some and giving him a knowing look.

"Oh. Uh, m-maybe just see where things go?" Zayn asked, feeling anxious.

He didn't have anywhere near enough courage to ask Harry to be his.

At least not right now.

Maybe if he waited he could make it special.

"Okay, sure." Harry nodded.

Harry knew where things were going and damn it, he wanted Zayn to ask him out.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow." Zayn smiled, squeezing his hand some before he let go.

"One more thing." Harry spoke up before Zayn could get out.

Zayn looked at him, and Harry leaned across the console and kissed him.

"Bye." Harry said softly, doing that thing where he bit his lip to keep from smiling.

Zayn loved that.

"Bye." He answered, glancing at Harry's lips before he made himself get out of the car.

"I saw that." Zayn's mom grinned as soon as he stepped inside.

"Saw- saw what?" Zayn frowned, wanting to laugh at how quickly she spoke to him.

"The little display of affection. I was going to come out and say hi but I didn't want to embarrass you. I know you got all flustered the last time I mentioned him." She said.

"Oh." Zayn said, blushing.

"Well? Are you two dating or not?" She asked.

"Mom!" Zayn frowned again.

"What? This is the first time in forever I've known of you having feelings for anyone and he's so adorable Zayn. I'd love to meet him." Trisha insisted.

"No. I-I mean...we're not dating we're just taking things slow-"

"You're too scared to ask him out, aren't you?" She asked knowingly.

Zayn looked around for cameras to see if he was being pranked.

"Mom are you drunk?" He asked.

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