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"I'm too depressed to go to school." Harry whined to one of the house maids that stopped by to wake him up.

"Your mother insisted I come up here and make sure you're awake, master Styles. She'll be angry if you don't go." The maid said.

"Yeah because me being here bothers her so much. I could scream my head off and she wouldn't be able to hear me from all the way in her office in the east wing." Harry muttered.

He eventually sighed. "Whatever. Leave me be."

She left, and Harry rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling.

Louis was in Italy, so Harry had been alone all weekend.

His mother was busy all the time anyway, and usually Harry wouldn't care.

But this weekend he sort of wished she could've spent some time with him since Louis wasn't around.

A majority of Harry's happiness depended on Louis.

He knew that wasn't safe or smart, but he couldn't help it.

Harry sat up, dragging himself out of bed and going over to one of the windows in his room.

He had a perfect view of their back yard and the large garden from this window.

He always liked the view, but this morning it all looked so dull because of the clouds and rain.

Harry really didn't want to go to school today.

He hated having to drive himself, and go to school without a kiss goodbye.

Harry shuffled over and got his phone, sending Louis a message telling him how much he missed him.

He sighed again as one of his tears fell on his phone screen, wiping it off using his shirt.

Harry put his phone down, wiping his eyes and going over to his closet.

Today he chose to wear the Saint Laurent coat Louis bought him along with his usual button up shirt and black skinny jeans, choosing black boots this time.

He put on all of his jewelry next, fixing his hair and adding a dash of expensive cologne to both sides of his neck.

Harry glanced at himself in the mirror, gathering his phone and bag and leaving his bedroom.

Harry never truly looked at himself in the mirror.

He only glanced.

Harry walked out to the garage, biting his lip as he looked over his cars and tried to decide which one he wanted to drive today.

The Audi was his favorite, but he was feeling more Lamborghini today.

His stomach growled as he got in, and he then decided to stop at Starbucks for breakfast on the way to school.


That afternoon in math, they had a quiz.

During it, Harry wrote all the answers down on a slip of paper and slid it onto Zayn's desk.

"I'm sorry about Friday." He whispered, holding eye contact before turning back around.

Zayn looked down at the paper, wanting to rip it up.

He didn't need Harry's help, of all people.

However, Zayn figured it wasn't like he had anything to lose here.

So, he used the answers Harry gave him.

After the teacher took up their quizzes and gave them book work to do while he graded them, Harry turned to Zayn.

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