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"Mmm, that's it." Harry practically moaned.

Zayn chuckled at him, stirring creamer into his coffee.

"This gives me life." Harry said, taking another sip of the tea.

"I used to come here all the time by myself. This is where I always sit. It's weird having someone across from me now." Harry admitted.

"Did you come by yourself by choice?" Zayn asked.

Harry looked out the window beside them.

"Yeah, I guess. I never brought Louis here. I didn't want him to know about it. It's mine."

"The cafe is yours?" Zayn smiled.

"Yeah." Harry chuckled.

"I get it. I don't like to tell Niall when I find a new band I like. I want them to be mine." Zayn said.

Harry nodded. "Same here."

"So I'm guessing music will never be something we'll discuss in this friendship." Zayn smiled.

"Dunno. I might share a band or two with you." Harry said.

"I'm so fortunate." Zayn said sarcastically, sipping his coffee.

"Can't believe you drink that." Harry said, making a face.

"Why do you hate coffee so much?" Zayn chuckled.

"I don't. The smell is a beautiful thing." Harry said.

"So...it's the taste?" Zayn asked.

"I had it black once. That turned me off of it for good." Harry explained briefly.

"You had it the wrong way. Try this." Zayn said, sliding his cup across the small table.

Harry flicked his eyes up to stare at Zayn for a moment. "Okay. You try the tea." He said, sliding his cup over as well.

"Ready?" Harry asked as they picked the cups up.

"As I'll ever be." Zayn said.

Harry sipped the coffee first, scrunching his nose up in a cute way before he put the cup down.

"Nope, not for me."

Zayn sipped some of the tea, making a face as well. "This tastes like...dirt. And hot water."

"Give me back my baby." Harry demanded, acting offended.

"You must have no tastebuds." Zayn said, taking his coffee back next.

"No, just different ones than yours." Harry shrugged.

"Yours are wrong." Zayn said, staring at him.

"Oh they are?" Harry laughed.

"Yes because that's gross."

"I get it! Lay off." Harry said, trying not to smile.

"Hey, do I get to drive again when we leave?" Zayn asked after a short silence.

"If you can remember how to get to my house." Harry said.

"Yeah, I'll find my way." Zayn nodded casually.

"You know, I got rose scented dryer sheets." Harry smiled at him, holding his tea beneath his chin.

"Um, good for you?" Zayn frowned slightly.

"My bed smells like roses because I washed all of the new stuff and dried it with those dryer sheets." Harry explained.

Perspective [Zarry]Where stories live. Discover now