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* This chapter gets pretty intense, not in a good way. This is your warning.


"Babe? What happened? I woke up to one of your maids putting out the roses I gave you and saying you left." Louis answered when Harry called him.

"Don't call me babe." Harry warned.

He was sitting in the backseat of his car, which was where he had slept last night, parked in a Starbucks parking lot.

He had the window cracked, breathing in the coffee smell for comfort.

"What? What's wrong?" Louis asked.

"Louis I know you're cheating. I saw the messages." Harry said, choking back tears.

"Look since you told them you were going to break up with me soon why don't you just go ahead and do it?"

"Harry....I'm really sorry. Okay? We met when I was in-"

"I don't care! I don't give a shit how you met them! The only reason I'm talking to you is to break up! We're done, got it? Don't you ever show up at my house again! Don't try to call me anymore! I don't want shit to do with you anymore!" Harry yelled at him.


"I knew all along you were just a liar! I knew it." He continued.

"But Harry....I love you. I know I made a bunch of mistakes but I love you." Louis said desperately.

"No you don't! Quit lying to me! You're such a sorry excuse for a man! You know that?" Harry spat.

"You're nothing but a liar and this whole relationship has been so unhealthy! So I'm ending it-"

"Unhealthy? What magazine did you read that told you that, Harry?" Louis asked skeptically.

"I didn't have to read a magazine. It was obvious." Harry said.

"You certainly didn't act like it was obvious." Louis said.

"This isn't about me! This is about you and the fact that you're an unfaithful liar. You heard what I said before and that stands forever. I'm done with you." Harry said, hanging up.

He wiped his tears away, not really feeling any better.

In fact, he felt worse.

But Harry couldn't cry any more.

His eyes ached, his chest ached, and all he wanted to do was go to bed.

But how could he sleep that bed anymore?

His whole life had been torn apart.

Harry looked back down at his phone, seeing a message from an unknown number.

From unknown: hey it's Liam, I'm having a party tonight and I'd love it if you came. There'll be plenty of drinks, loud music, perfect environment to have fun and get away. Hope to see you

Harry stared at the message, not even concerned with how he got his number.

He thought for a moment, not seeing anything wrong with going and getting drunk.

It would help him forget, and that's all he wanted right now.

To leave reality in the dust and kill some brain cells.

That's exactly what he was going to do.


Late that night, Zayn was about four-thousand strokes into a masterpiece when he suddenly got a phone call.

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