An Apology

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Hi, so first of all I'm sorry it took me forever to update, I not only got caught up in other stories but caught up in life and writer's block.

Second, I'm sorry that there will not be an epilogue. I know I said there would be, and now it's extremely shitty of me to say there won't be but...I have no motivation to write it.

Honestly I would have to force myself to write it. It would feel like work to me instead of fun like usual. When I have to force myself to write certain stuff, (I only do this because I hate to leave you guys without a proper chapter or ending or whatever the case may be.) I end up hating it.

Even if it seems good to my readers, when I read back over it I just kind of die a little inside and I don't want to do that or feel that way with this book.

I want to be happy with it as it is, and not force an epilogue on it.

I'm sorry if this disappoints anyone, but I think it's time I speak up rather than dread writing something once again.

Also, I will never say that I'm going to do something unless I'm certain about it from now on, because duh.

Anyway, again, I hate to disappoint but I just can't do this.

Feel free to hate me, unfollow me, come set me on fire, all of that good stuff. (Though, if you'll let me choose I'd like a quick death.)

Thank you for understanding.
- Z

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