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"Oh fuck off." Harry mumbled as he got out of his car Monday morning and saw Liam approaching.

"Hey, I messaged you this weekend." Liam said.

"On what?" Harry frowned, not remembering getting a message.


"Oh. I get a lot of messages so..." Harry lied.

"Well I've been wanting to talk to you forever and say sorry about what happened at the party." Liam said.

"Ah. Well that was a long time ago, I don't care anymore." Harry said, walking towards the school.

"Okay, good. So we're cool?" Liam asked, following.

"Sure." Harry said, looking for Zayn.

"Hey um, a college friend of mine is throwing another party this weekend at his parent's house. Want to come?" Liam asked.

"Not really." Harry replied, tucking his curls behind his ear and continuing to look for Zayn.

"Aw, why not?" Liam asked, glancing at how tight his jeans were after noticing that his shirt was see-through.

"I'd rather hang out with my boyfriend." Harry said, giving him a look and folding his arms.

"So you and Zayn are dating."

"We are. So I won't be at your friend's stupid party."

"Why not? Did Zayn say no?" Liam teased.

"I said no."

"Okay, I get it. You're pretty lucky, you know." Liam said.

"If you say something about my ass again I'm going to punch you in the dick." Harry threatened.

"No, you're lucky because you're dating Zayn."

Harry paused for a moment.

"I know." He said, giving him another look before he walked off.

He picked up the pace when he saw Zayn, smiling as he walked up and hugged him from behind.

"You flinched." Niall chuckled at his friend.

"Yeah, you scared me." Zayn breathed, gently peeling Harry's arms off so he could turn and look at him.


Only he could look so beautiful on a Monday morning.

Harry just smiled, surprising Zayn and Niall both when he kissed him.

"Ready for class?" Harry asked softly, wishing they could skip class and go make out somewhere.

There was a major shift in Zayn's perspective just then.

Since he was maybe twelve school had been hell for him.

He hated it, and struggled to see why any human being should be put through such torture.

He dreaded coming here, and hated each second.

But now he didn't feel that way.

As he looked into Harry's eyes he thought maybe this wasn't so bad after all.

In fact, he looked forward to going through the day with Harry.

"Yeah." Zayn smiled, sinking a little deeper into Harry's pretty green gaze.

"I'll um, I'll see you at lunch Ni, okay?" Zayn asked, eventually tearing his eyes away from Harry and looking at Niall.

"Sure thing." Niall nodded once before he walked away.

Harry slipped his hand into Zayn's and the two walked off to their first class.


"Zayn!" Leeroy practically screamed, rushing up to him just as he sat down at lunch.

Niall wasn't even here yet.

"What?" Zayn asked angrily, not liking how Leeroy seemed to draw attention.

Of course, how could he not? All he wore was sequin, and bright colors.

"You and Harry are dating?" He smiled, sitting across from him.

Zayn felt his face warm up. "Yeah, why?"

"That's so adorable. You two used to do nothing but fight and you're so different. I love it. Opposites really do attract." Leeroy said.

"I guess." Zayn said uncomfortably.

"How did it happen?" Leeroy asked eagerly.

Zayn stared at him. "It was nothing special." He lied casually.

He didn't want everyone knowing about his and Harry's relationship, because someone would find a way to sabotage it.

"Oh come on! Did he ask you or did you ask him?" Leeroy asked.

"I don't remember." Zayn lied, wondering when Leeroy would take the hint.

Leeroy opened his mouth to say more, but thankfully Niall walked up.

"Didn't you say you had a science test this morning?" Zayn asked Niall after there was a long silence.

"I did, yeah." Niall said.

"And how was it?" Zayn asked.

"Hated it. As usual." Niall chuckled with a shrug.

Zayn nodded a little, and Leeroy pretended to shoot himself.

"As stimulating as this conversation is, I should be going." He said sarcastically, getting up and strutting off.

"Why the hell was he here?" Niall asked quietly.

"Came to ask about me and Harry." Zayn said.

"Oh yeah, thanks for telling me about that by the way." Niall said sarcastically.

Zayn frowned at him. "What?"

"Why didn't you tell me about you two?"

"Well I figured the topic would be pretty sensitive for you because-"

"Oh please. Zayn, I'm fine. Fine, and curious about how this relationship came into existence. I'm struggling to believe it while remembering months of you going on about how much you hated him." Niall said.

Zayn smiled, looking down. "Yeah, from an outside perspective I'm sure it looks weird."

"Well the idea of it is weird. It doesn't really look weird. You two are kind of intimidating together." Niall admitted.

"How?" Zayn chuckled.

"You both look like models. You're kind of like a picture-perfect couple." Niall said.

"Yeah right." Zayn said with an eye roll.

"Seriously." Niall chuckled.

"Whatever." Zayn blushed.

"But can you tell me how this happened? I bet he asked you, didn't he?" Niall asked knowingly.

"Well, at one point he did. It's a long complicated story." Zayn said.

"The point is, we're in a new relationship and it's a good thing, and no matter what I'll always make time for me and you to hang out. I mean, of course I'll be needing a break." Zayn said.

"Yeah, right." Niall chuckled sarcastically.

"I will!"

"No you won't. You'll have to be torn away from him." Niall said.

Zayn blushed and shook his head, not having any of it.

Even though they both knew it was true.

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