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"Thoughts?" Harry smiled, coming out of the changing room to model for his boyfriend.

Zayn stared at him.

It looks just like the last fifty shirts you tried on he thought.

"Looks great."

"Better than the others?" Harry asked.

"Not really. They all have a similar look to them." Zayn said.

"Really? Like in a bad way?" Harry frowned with concern.

"No, no I just...buy them all, you look perfect in whatever you pick out. Honestly." Zayn said.

"Thank you." Harry smiled.

"I haven't been shopping in forever." He said, going back into the changing room.

"Why not?" Zayn asked, taking his phone out again.

"I usually order my stuff online. Louis loved shopping but not as much as I did so we didn't go much." He said.

"Oh." Zayn said, opening his messages.

From Zack: I did a thing

Zayn frowned.

To Zack: what thing?

From Zack: art thing

Zack sent an image.

Zayn opened it, smiling some as he zoomed in to look over his painting.

It was a skeleton wearing a sombrero, sitting under a dead palm tree and playing a ukulele.

To Zack: I love it

From Zack: really? You don't think it's stupid or anything??

To Zack: not at all, it's really cool. It'd be a sick tattoo

From Zack: thanks :) you want it?

To Zack: the painting?

"Zayn." Harry said, catching Zayn's attention.

Zayn looked up, seeing Harry standing there in flashy gold pants with little roses on them, and a black button up shirt.

"Wow." Zayn chuckled.

"They're so comfortable." Harry smiled, feeling them.

"What exactly would you wear those for? A Broadway show?" Zayn asked.

"Or a trip to the dollar store, don't judge me." Harry chuckled.

Zayn chuckled as well, looking back at his phone as it vibrated.

From Zack: sure, I feel like you like it more than me anyway

To Zack: okay, thank you

"Who's that?" Harry asked when Zayn's eyes were off of him for too long.

"Zack." Zayn answered, putting his phone away. "He was showing me a painting he did. He's letting me have it too, it's really cool." He smiled.

Harry smiled in an odd way, turning and slowly going back into the changing room.

"Zayn! Mind coming and taking these other clothes back for me?"

"If I do can we leave soon?"

"Yes." Harry chuckled.

Zayn sighed as he got up, stepping into the changing room.

Perspective [Zarry]Where stories live. Discover now