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"We did it." Harry grinned at Zayn as the whole crew gathered together to bow.

Everyone in the audience was on their feet, whistling, clapping, taking pictures.

Zayn could see Niall from where he stood giving him a thumbs up.

His mom was next to Niall, smiling proudly.

"You're right." Zayn said, feeling so relieved he could pass out.

Leeroy was front and center waving to the whole audience, tears of joy  streaming down his face.

"I told you we'd be fine." Harry chuckled, pulling Zayn into a hug.

Zayn hugged him back, his heart throbbing so hard.

"How long do we have to stand up here?" He asked when they released each other.

Harry looked around, scoffing as he took his hat off and tossed it in the air, walking off stage.

Zayn decided to follow, hoping Leeroy didn't claw his eyes out later.

"That was fun and all, but I hate these clothes." Harry said, taking them off as soon as they made it to the locker room.

"What, the jeans not tight enough for you?" Zayn teased.

"Maybe that's it." Harry smiled, down to just the jeans and shoes now.

Zayn started to unbutton his shirt, feeling nervous.

He was almost late to the stage because he had to wait for everyone else to leave before he could change.

Even Harry.

But after what he did tonight, Zayn refused to let his anxiety control him anymore.

If he could act in front of an auditorium full of people, he could do anything.

Well, maybe not anything, but he could certainly change in front of Harry.

It was just Harry, not a locker room full of boys with better bodies than him.

Zayn took a deep breath, letting his shirt fall to the floor.

"I think you're in front of the locker where I put my clothes." Harry said, making Zayn look up and pause from unbuttoning his pants.

Harry stood there in just his underwear, and Zayn was speechless from the sight.

He had such a beautiful body.

"Excuse me." Harry smiled, walking closer.

"Right, sorry." Zayn said quickly, stepping out of the way.

Harry opened the locker, stopping and looking at Zayn before he grabbed his clothes.

Zayn stood there looking at him as well.

Harry's eyes drifted over Zayn's toned torso, observing his tattoos.

"What influenced you to get flying lips tattooed on your chest?" Harry mocked, facing him now.

Zayn chuckled shyly, looking at their feet. "I don't know."

Harry reached out and touched the tattoo, tracing it with his finger and stepping closer.

Zayn discreetly drew in a breath, tensing up.

"It's nice." Harry said softly.

Zayn swallowed, suddenly feeling so hot and having trouble keeping still.

"Thank you." He barely whispered, just then noticing how beautifully Harry's lips were shaped.

He wanted to kiss them.

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