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"You know what I don't get?" Zayn asked after he and Niall sat in a depressing silence.

Niall just looked at him, not speaking.

Zayn licked his lips, changing his mind.

"Sorry, nevermind."

Niall didn't seem to care, going back to eating.

This was making Zayn mad.

He sat there arguing with himself in his head for a few minutes before he finally huffed out a sigh.

"Niall, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Niall lied.

"Please don't do this, I'm not in the mood to guess." Zayn said sharply.

Niall didn't say anything, avoiding his eyes.

"Okay, fine, you made me do this." Zayn warned before he began.

"I'm sensing that you maybe think of me as more than a friend."

Niall quickly looked at him, blushing. "Why?"

"Because of the way you're acting now that Harry and I have gotten closer. That and it was sort of pointed out to me. Plus, people always assume we're dating." Zayn said.

Niall blinked. "How am I acting?"

"Like...this! With your gloomy outlook and asking me a bunch about Harry and stuff!" Zayn said.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm just...worried that our friendship is going to go to shit because of him. That's the rule. When one guy gets a significant other, the friendship suffers." Niall said.

"Ours isn't going to be like that, okay? I promise." Zayn said.

Niall stared at him.

"Seriously. What can I do to prove that to you?" Zayn asked.

"I want to hang out this weekend." Niall said quietly.

"Done." Zayn smiled.

"Okay. I'm sorry if I acted immature. I just care a lot about our friendship." Niall said.

"Friendship." Zayn repeated. "So...you don't have feelings for me?"

"Why would it matter if I did?" Niall asked, that question confusing Zayn for a second.

"Well...because we're like brothers." Zayn said.

"And because you have feelings for Harry." Niall said, smiling a little.

"No- well- I um,"

"Zayn, it's okay. I...maybe did have some feelings for you but I care more about keeping you in my life as my friend and older brother." Niall told him.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you, Niall." Zayn said, looking at him.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it. I want things to just be back to normal and just...cool." Niall said.

"Then that's exactly how they'll be." Zayn smiled.

"Good." Niall smiled back at him.

"Hey, have either of you seen Harry?" Liam asked, approaching their table.

"He should be out here in a few minutes." Niall said, looking towards the cafeteria.

"Why?" Zayn asked, giving him a cold look.

Liam didn't notice, though.

"I want to talk to him." Liam said, deciding to linger near their table.

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