Chapter One: Enter Lucy Heartfilia

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Ok so before I get started, this is set just after the whole Infinity Clock arc. Ok? Ok ^^ read on


Chapter One: Enter Lucy Heartfilia!

"Lu-chan~!" Lucy Heartfilia turned her head slightly, smiling when she caught sight of her blue haired best friend running towards her.

"Levy-chan!" She said and Levy stopped next to her, beaming up at her.

"Lets walk to the guild together!" Levy gushed and Lucy smiled.

"You're in a good mood, Levy-chan." She said and Levy's smile widens.

"Ah! Jet, Droy and I are going on a mission!" Levy said and Lucy's brow furrowed as she thought of the two boys.

"Where are they anyway?" Lucy asked and Levy looked at her, shrugging.

The cobblestone path beneath their feet clacked with their shoes as the walked towards the guild. Lucy's keys were jingling on her belt, hitting her hip as she and her best friend talked amongst themselves.

As the guild came into view; tall and majestic, a blue mass flew towards Lucy, barreling into her chest.

"H-Happy?" Happy looked up at the blonde haired mage, smiling.



A loud crash and an exclamation of "bring it on, Flame-brain!!" From inside the guild caused Lucy and Levy to sweat drop simultaneously.

"Fairy Tail as usual." Lucy mused.

"A-Aye." Happy said, smiling nervously.

Lucy and Levy pushed open the guild hall doors and a small 'kya' escaped Lucy's lips as a certain dragon slayer crashed into the wall next to her. Levy walked off, towards Jet and Droy and Lucy sweat dropped again as she watched a large fist drop down on her friends.

"Enough!" Makarov shouted, sitting on the bar counter, a glass of beer to his lips. Lucy walked over to the massive crater in the floor, hands on her hips.

"Really?" Lucy asked and Natsu Dragneel stood, wiping his chin.

"The Popsicle started it!" He said, thrusting his finger towards Gray Fullbuster. Gray stood, brushing his hands over his now bare chest, his shirt somehow magically gone.

"What ever, Flame Head. Don't bump into me next time." He griped, glaring at Natsu.

"Watch where you're walking next time!" Natsu spit.

"You started a fight because Gray bumped into you?" Lucy asked.

"Aye!" Happy said joyfully.

"Lucy-san." Lucy looked down to her side.

"Hi, Wendy." She said, crossing her arms as Gray and Natsu got into each others faces again. Wendy Marvell smiled up Lucy, Charle in her arms, clutched to the small girls chest.

"Those two never fail to get into a fight do they?" Charle said, crossing her arms. Wendy giggled and looked up at Lucy.

"Oi! Luce! Wendy!" Lucy and Wendy looked towards Natsu, who was now standing by the request board.

"Lets go on a mission!" Natsu said, smiling.

"But we went on one yesterday." Lucy whined.

"Lucy's fat Natsu, she can only do so many missions." Happy said, holding his paw up.

"Watch it cat." Lucy growled and a fish appeared out of nowhere, suddenly in the blue cats hands.

He took a bite.

"Oh come on, Luce." Natsu said. Lucy and Wendy walked to Natsu who was holding a request sheet tightly in his right hand. Lucy looked over his shoulder and her eyes widened.

"F-four million jewel?!" She screeched.

"Shhh!" Natsu exclaimed, clapping his had over her mouth.

"What's four million jewel?" Lucy looked up and spotted a familiar red haired mage.

"Erza..." Natsu said nervously, his hand falling from Lucy's mouth. Lucy snatched the request sheet from Natsu's hand and handed it to the other girl.

"'Fairy Tail wizards wanted for the capture of the dark guild, Sphinx Paw, who has been terrorizing the town of Zioteron. The reward will be four million jewel and an entire towns gratitude. Urgent.'" Erza Scarlet read, her left hand on her hip. She was wearing her normal armor and her scarlet hair hung long and floaty.

"We should do it!" Natsu cried.

"Aye!" Happy agreed.

"It sounds kind of dangerous." Wendy said, holding Charle closer.

"What's dangerous?" Gray asked, appearing next to Lucy.

"None of your buisness, ice idiot." Natsu said, sticking his tongue out. Gray glared at Natsu and Erza handed him the sheet. He read it quickly and looked up, smiling.

"Lets do it." He said and everybody smiled.
Natsu wobbled off of the train, leaning heavily against Wendy.

"I'm never riding a train again." He said.

"You say that every time." Happy said.

"I mean it this time."

"You say that every time too." Lucy said and he glared at her wearily.

"Well we're here so-"

"Fairy Tail! They're here!!" A girls scream interrupted Gray's sentence and suddenly, a huge group of people surrounded them. Lucy grabbed her keys, holding them to her chest as people grabbed at her.

"Loke!" She yelled, grabbing his key. "Open! Gate of the Lion!"

Loke appeared, grabbing her and jumping up to the roof of a random building nearby.

"You ok?" He asked and Lucy nodded.

"Natsu!" She yelled spotting a particularly pissed off pink haired boy.

"Loke!" Lucy yelled.

"Why not just summon a-"

"Go!" Loke grumbled at Lucy's command and jumped down. Happy flew up with Erza in his paws, struggling slightly at the weight of her armor. Charle followed, carrying Wendy.

"Where's Nat-" Lucy started.

"Let go of me, Loke!"

"" Lucy sweat dropped as Loke ungraciously dropped the pink haired mage on the ground.

"I had it handled!" Natsu yelled, clambering to his feet.

"Lucy asked me to get you. I obeyed."

"And you!" Natsu spun, pointing a finger at Happy. "Where were you?!"

"Helping Erza." The cat said simply. Natsu opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by;

"Where's Gray-san?" The teens (and respective cats) all turned towards Wendy who was on her hands and knees peering over the edge of the roof. Lucy plopped down next to her.

The crowd of excited townies had dispersed, going back to their everyday lives, and the ice mage was no where to be seen.

Getting back to the ground, Lucy spotted a flash of silver on the ground and she stepped forward, Loke gone back to the Spirit world. She knelt and her eyes widened.

"Erza!" She exclaimed as she picked up the cold metal.

Gray's necklace.


Where's Gray?!

Read on to find out!

Find out in chapter two;

Gray Fullbuster: gone

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now