Chapter Four: Explain to me, Lucy!

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Chapter Four: Explain to me, Lucy!

~Lucy Heartfilia~

Lucy was floating, her eyes closed. She could feel, hear, or smell anything and, for some reason, she couldn't open her eyes.

Lucy turned her head slightly, attempting to maybe knock over something-then again, she probably wouldn't feel it or anything-and she least she thought she did.

Suddenly, she was jerked up and she was suddenly able to hear, feel, smell. Lucy cried out and she scrambled up, eyes opening. She winced, grabbing her neck and her eyes widened.


Lucy looked around.

Oh that's right....I was attacked by Sphinx Paw and Gray...Gray!

Lucy sighed in relieve when she spotted him, sleeping peacefully. A mass weighing down the end of the bed and Lucy smiled when she recognized the familiar pink hair.


She leaned up against the wall behind her, sighing and Natsu stirred. He sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Lucy?" He whispered and she nodded. He smiled. "How you feeling?"

"Sore...but I'm ok now." She reassured him and he sighed.

"We were so worried...I mean Happy was, of course." Natsu added quickly and Lucy smiled at him. Natsu leaned back in his chair, flipping on the lamp.

"You sure you weren't worried?" Lucy asked sarcastically. He smiled.

"I knew you would pull through." He said, sure of himself. Lucy smiled again and looked at her wrapped hands.

"Is Gray ok?" She asked and he shrugged.

"He's fine." Natsu said and Lucy could tell there was something different about his tone.

"Tell me the truth." Lucy said and Natsu looked up at her.

"He was...he was coughing up blood yesterday but he hasn't all today."

"Have you gotten any body to come check him out?" Lucy asked and Natsu nodded.

"Is he ok?"

"The doc said that he should wake up soon. But the but over his guild mark..." Natsu's hands in his lap clenched into his fist, his hair waving slightly as a slight light formed around him. "That was over kill. He didn't deserve that...that could have killed him." Natsu gritted his teeth and Lucy looked over at Gray.

"Lucy I'm so sorry that you got hurt." Natsu said and Lucy looked at him. "If I had gotten there sooner, I could have saved you." Lucy's lips twisted into a small smile and she reaches over, touching his hand. He looked up at her.

"It's fine Natsu."

"No it's not. You could have been killed! You were buried!" Natsu exclaimed and Lucy 'ssh'ed him.

"Look. I'm ok, OK?" She touched her forehead with the fingers of her right hand, the one with her guild mark in it, and rubbed the bandages slightly. "This will heal, so will everything else."

Natsu raised his hand and touched the bandages around her cheek, stroking her jaw bone softly. Lucy looked at him.

"I was just-"

The door slammed open and Natsu jumped away from Lucy.

"Lu-shee~!!" Happy yelled, flying towards her, a big blue mass barreling into her chest. An 'oof!' escaped Lucy's lips followed by; "H-Happy!"

"Don't you ever do that to me again!" The blue exceed blubbered, burying his face into her chest. Lucy smiled, petting his head.

"Ah, you had us scared." Erza said, crossing her arms.

"Are you ok, Lucy-san? Anything hurt?" Wendy asked and Lucy shook her head, still petting Happy.

"Gray better wake up soon so that we can get on with our job." Charle said, crossing her white arms. The female exceed fluttered up onto the bed and sat down. Wendy walked over to Gray and put her hands above his chest, greenish light appearing between them.

"I think he will." Wendy's little voice came over to them silently and everybody let out a breath of relieve that they didn't know they were holding. Lucy grabbed her keys and hugged them along with Happy.

"How long have I been out?" Lucy asked.

"Three days." Natsu said simply and she looked at him in shock.

"I have to summon Virgo or one of the other spirits, let them know I'm ok!" Lucy said, grabbing for one of the keys.

"I summon the gate of the lion, Leo!" Lucy said, when she saw what the sign on the key was. Loke appeared and he turned, his eyes widening when they landed on Lucy.

"What happened to you?!" He asked and Lucy sweat dropped after he grabbed her face. She explained and Loke dropped his head.

"Natsu! Why didn't you protect her!" Loke cried.

"What?! Why you-"

"Guys!" Lucy yelled and the boys turned to her. "Loke, please just tell the others that I'm ok, please?" Loke nodded and waved at the others before he disappeared. Lucy sighed, leaning back, suddenly exhausted.

"You ok?" Natsu asked.

"Just tired..." Lucy reassured and he nodded.

"Can you tell us more about what happened?" Erza asked. Lucy hugged Happy tighter to her chest and the exceed looked up at her.

"I remember....calling Natsu....or help. The three followers of the Michelangelo guy were a woman named Monroe, a guy named Len, and a fish guy named Halibut."

"Who were they?"

"Sphinx Paw. The leader said his name was-"

"Michelangelo Glass." Everybody turned.

"Gray!" Natsu said and the ice mage sat up, leaning against the head board of his bed. He winced, holding a hand to his guild mark and cleared his throat.

"Michelangelo was an old enemy of Ul." Gray said, looking at the group. "He would always sneak up on Lyon and I and attempt to take us so that Ul would have nobody to take on her job when she was gone."

"What did he do to you?" Natsu asked and Lucy looked at Gray expectantly.

"He said that I was a fool for choosing Fairy Tail. And when I told him that Fairy Tail choose me, he got angry and sent his goons on me. This-" Gray pointed to the bandage across his torso. "Was from the guy named Len."

Lucy pulled her knees to her chest and Happy wiggled out of her arms, sitting next to her.

"They tried getting Gray again, I think, but he somehow knew my name...." Lucy said.

"It's because they need you." Gray said.


"They need you because..." Gray clenched his hands into fists. "Your celestial power is the only thing powerful enough...." He looked up, his face grim. "To eradicate our dragon slayers."


Eradicate the dragon slayers?!

Lucy's celestial power is strong enough to do that?!?!

What's gonna happen next?!?

Find out in the next chapter,

Chapter Five: Attack

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now