Chapter Two: Gray Fullbuster: Gone

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Chapter Two: Gray Fullbuster: gone.

"That idiot Popsicle." Natsu said, grinding his teeth. Gray's necklace was clutched tightly in Lucy's right hand that she was holding her chest.

"Natsu, we can't assume anything." Erza said and Natsu turned, slamming his fist into the brick building behind him. The wall catered, not breaking which indicated that Natsu hadn't used his full strength.

"Natsu-san..." Wendy murmured.

"We have to find him." Lucy insisted.

"Lucy as much as I hate to say this," Lucy turned towards Erza who had a sad look on her face. "The mission come first. We will look for Gray but we have to let the client know that we are here."


"She's right, Wendy." Lucy said, sadly. Wendy looked at her.

"Lets go." Erza said. Lucy put Gray's necklace around her neck and looked down at it. She looked at Natsu who's hair was casting a shadow over his eyes. Lucy walked to him, putting her hand on his shoulder. He looked up at her and she gave him a reassuring smile.

"We'll find him, Natsu." She said and he watched her. His face split into a small smile.



~Natsu Dragneel~

Natsu's eyes kept drifting to Gray's necklace wrapped around Lucy's neck as the client, Mayor West, talked to Erza and the others.

"So this guild, Sphinx Paw, has been terrorizing your town?" Lucy asked and Mayor West nodded. "They've been stealing wizards from our guild, Jade Bright, to do...something. We want you to put an end to them." Mayor West got to his knees, kneeling and putting his forehead to the ground. "Please help us!" Lucy glanced over at Natsu and he locked eyes with her.

"Of course we'll help you." Erza said kindly. As the Mayor blubbered his thanks and gratitude, the Fairy Tail wizards stood, walking out of the large library. The sounds of Erza's armor clinking and Lucy's boots against the floor were the only sound as the mages walked from the manor.

"We should start by looking for Gray. Sphinx Paw will probably attack tonight so that gives us around four hours to search for him." Erza said, her large wagon of suitcases behind her as they walked down the cobble stoned walkway. "We'll drop our stuff off at an inn and go out to look for him."

"Right." They all agreed. Natsu put his hands behind his head, putting a joyous look on his face.

'Gray better be ok. I'll kill him if he dies.' He thought, his stomach churning with excitement.

~Lucy Heartfilia~

Lucy threw her bag on the bed, sighing. Gray's necklace clinked against her chest as she turned, looking at her self in the floor to ceiling mirror.

'Where could Gray be?' She thought, fiddling with her keys...

Her keys!

Lucy grabbed two keys, Loke and Aries.

"Open, gate of the Lion! Leo! Open, gate of the ram, Aries!"

Loke and Aries appeared in front of her.

"Hey." Loke said.

"I-I'm sorry." Aries said timidly.

"I need your help." Lucy said and the two spirits looked at her in confusion.

"Gray's missing. Can you please help us find him?" She asked.

"Of course." Loke said, smiling.

"I-I'll try my best." Aries said, her face going slightly red. Lucy smiled and the spirits dispersed. Lucy ran out of her room, locked the door and bounded the steps.

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now