Chapter Twenty-One: Ice and Wind

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Chapter Twenty-One: Ice and Wind

~Erza Scarlet~

Erza was tapping her foot against the ground, hand on her chin as she tried to think up a plan.

"We could always try to track them by smell." Lily said, chewing on a kiwi.

"We already tried that." Gray said irritably.

"Why don't we just wait for them to attack us?" Wendy asked, fiddling with Natsu's scarf.

"Because that would be suicide." Erza said.

"Well now they have Gajeel-kun, Levy, Lucy, Natsu..." Juvia sighed and Erza watched as Gray tightened his grip on her arm.

'Their acting a lot Bisca and Al do now...' She thought with a small smile.

"Don't have that down face...we just have to be patient and figure out a way to find them." She said. Happy flopped down onto the ground, his blue ears down. Lily patted his fellow Exceeds head as he continued to eat his kiwi and Charle sighed.

"Happy stop crying. Do you honestly think anything bad is going to happen to Natsu?" She asked, putting her paws on her hips. Happy looked up sniffing.

"Nat-zu...." He sniffed. Erza watched as Wendy kneeled next to Happy and picked him up, hugging him to his chest.

"Lily-san, aren't you in any way worried about Gajeel-san?" Wendy asked. Lily looked up and gave her a smile.

"Of course. He's my partner. But I know that he won't go down with out a fight." Lily said.

"Neither will Lucy." Juvia said.

"Or Levy." Gray said.

"Definitely not Natsu." Erza said with a smile. Wendy petted Happy's head.

"See? You have to have faith in them!" Wendy said, beaming down at him. Happy wiped his eyes.

"A-Aye!" He sobbed.


~Gray Fullbuster~

Juvia's and Wendy's hands were in his. The group were walking away from the town to a place were the mayor had suggested that the dark guild may be. He had taken Juvia's hand, silently interlacing their fingers. A blush had formed on her cheeks and he had smiled, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

After a few hours of walking, Wendy's small hand had slipped into his as they entered a thickly shrouded forest that had randomly appeared in the desert surroundings. It was still scorching but in a stuffy, moist kind of way.

Gray looked around at his sweaty and exhausted companions. It was so hot, even Erza had switched into her Fire Empress armor.

(A/N I really hope that this is the right name for the armor I'm thinking of. I haven't watched Fairy Tail in a while....I'm picturing the one were she has the bandages wrapped around her chest and the red pants with the flames at the bottom and the katana...ok. Sorry. Continue)

He glanced down at Juvia who was trying to fan her self with out being to obvious.

'You know it's hot when Juvia's getting hot....' Gray said.

"Hold on a sec." Gray said to Juvia and she looked at him. The rest of the group paused and looked back at them.

"Gray-sama?" Juvia said and Gray touched her face. Her normally cool skin was warm and Gray noticed that she had two pink spots on her cheeks from the warmth.

"You're burning up." He said simply and Erza walked towards them.

"You need to do something about those clothes or you're going to collapse of heat stroke." Erza said and Juvia blushed.

"N-No, Juvia's f-"

"Gray, give me your jacket. Then everybody turn around."

"J-Juvia is-" Juvia started and Gray tossed Erza his trench coat, sad that he was ruining his favorite coat....not that he hardly wore it anyway.

The group turned and Wendy took Gray's hand again as they listened to the rip of fabric, Juvia's protests and Erza's reassurances and threats.

"Gray-san..." Wendy asked and he looked down at the small dragon slayer.


"Do you really think Natsu-san is ok?" She whispered and he smiled slightly, putting his hand on her head. She looked up and he rubbed her hair, messing up the blue strands.

"Yeah. I've known Natsu forever. He's just as bull headed and stupid as Gajeel." He smiled and knelt in front of her. "He's gonna be fine. We'll find them."

"But what if we are to late to save Lucy-san?" Wendy asked and Gray stiffened. He smiled at last.

"We won't be." He said and Wendy nodded, sniffing.

"How's this look?" Erza asked and the two of them turned.

"Wow." Lily said, eyes wide.

"Aye!" Happy agreed and Charle sighed.

"Men." She groaned and Wendy giggled. Gray's eyes were wide as they ran over Juvia.

His jacket had been torn into a thick strip that wrapped around Juvia's chest. Her brown dress had been torn into a short skirt and her guild mark was evident on her pale thigh. Her boots were rolled down and another piece of Gray's jacket had been torn to make a makeshift hair tie. Her long, light blue hair floated back in a high ponytail. Her face was red.

"Well? Gray? How does it look?" Erza asked and Gray swallowed.

"Great." He said. Juvia looked at him.

"Oh Juvia's not used to showing this much of herself!" Juvia cried, crouching and curling in around herself. Erza smiled and nudged Gray with her shoulder as she walked past.

"Lets go guys!" She said and Gray and Wendy walked towards Juvia. She looked up at them and Gray held his hand towards her. Her fingers snaked into his and he pulled her up, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"G-Gray-sama!" She said, blushing. Gray smiled and they walked with Juvia freaking out in his arm.


"We're here!" Happy cried, his wings extended.

The group was standing in front of large building with a rickety sign that said Sphinx Paw. Or was supposed was more like ' i nx aw'

"The place looks abandoned." Gray said, putting his hands on his hips.

"Lets go in." Happy said.

"Be careful. Be on guard." Erza said and the group nodded as the headed to the door.


The battle will begin momentarily.

Could it really be this easy to find the others?

And what is happening to Levy and Len?

Find out in the next chapter;

Chapter Twenty-Two: I wish you could know...


PS: I'm gonna say her Japanese cloth armor. Sounds good right?

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now