Chapter Thirty-Six: Once in a blue moon!

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Chapter Thirty-Six: Once in a blue moon!

~Gray Fullbuster~

Gray chewed on his thumb nail, leaning his elbow on his knee.

"Gray-sama?" Gray turned his head.

"Juvia." He says, blinking. She sits down next to him, her feet dangling off the pier.

"What's bothering you, Gray-sama." Juvia said, not exactly in question form.

"Nothing." Gray said, looking out at the water.

"Riiiiight. Juvia knows you're lying." Juvia says and Gray winces, looking away.

"What happened?" Juvia asked and he sighed, leaning over and whispering into her ear. The water mages eyes widened and she looked at him in shock.

"What! Are you serious?! We have to tell Lucy because-"

"No!" Gray snapped and Juvia jumped. "We can't tell Lucy. Poluchka said not to." Juvia nodded and Gray smiled, leaning over and kissing her forehead.

"Thank you. I'm sorry for snapping at you." He murmured and she smiled

"It's ok, Gray-sama." Juvia said, slipping her hand into his. Gray squeezed and looked out over the water.

"We'll just wait." He said, leaning over. She laid her head on his shoulder and he rested his cheek on her soft hair.


Two weeks later:

~Lucy Heartfilia~

"Come on, Lu-shee!" Happy cries, flying ecstatically. Lucy ran after him, her arms pumping by her sides. They bursted through the guild doors and Lucy collapsed in at the bar as Happy flew into Mira's chest.

"Well you two came fast." Mira said with a smile.

"I don't know what he is so excited about. He made me run all the way here." Lucy said, laying her head on the bar.

Mira laughed and Happy padded up and down the bar counter, humming softly to him self. Lucy sat up, pushing her hair out of her face.

A gust of wind blew her hair forward as the doors slammed open.

Lucy blinked and turned, pushing her hair back.

The guild went silent.

Mayor West walked into the guild hall, Len on his heels, his newly shortened red hair fluttering around his face.

"Len!" Erza said, standing. Len gave her a small smile and a wave as Mayor West approached Lucy. He gave her a sad smile and reached behind him, pulling out a small burlap sack.

"Lucy Heartfilia. Gray Fullbuster. Wendy Marvell. In respects of the loss of your friend and the removal of the pests of Sphinx Paw, I present you four million jewels." Mayor West said. Lucy's eyes widened as Erza, Gray, Wendy, Charle and Happy all crowded around her, peering at the sack in awe.

"W-Wait! You're still giving this to us?" Gray asked, his eyes wide. Mayor West smiled, nodding and Gray's fingers twitched towards it.

"No." Erza said, slapping his hand away. The small group looked at Erza, confused as she took the sack and placed it into Lucy's lap. Lucy looked down at it then up at Erza in bewilderment as Gray and Happy both looked at the reward.

"You should split up the money. Fair and square." Erza said, smiling. Lucy blushed and looked at her friends. Mayor West and Len both smiled at her and turned to leave, the quick encounter done.

"Wait! Len!" Lucy cried and they turned. Lucy stood up, placing the reward on her seat and sprang after him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Thanks for helping us!" She said, tears of happiness streaming down her cheeks. Len patted her back and when she pulled back she saw a light smile on his face.

"No problem, blondie." He said, ruffling her hair.

Lucy pulled back and smiled as her friends hugged the red haired mage, even Gajeel though it was an awkward three second hug where they patted each other on the back and then sprang apart. As Mayor West and Len left, Lucy and the others split the money evenly. Then that night, as Lucy climbed into bed, she thought of Natsu.

But not the normal way, the sad way.

But in the way she used to.

Only with love.


Alright sorry it's short, I needed to get it out there and I've had writers block :/

Anywho, we are almost done guys :D

I can't thank you guys enough for the numerous random little notification blow ups when some one decides to vote for every chapter one after another :) that makes me really happy!

And another thing, thank you for just taking the time to read this, it may not be vote worthy but it makes me happy to know that you guys are just reading it to read it.

Thanks again!

Love you and enjoy till the end!

Next chapter: Chapter Thirty-Seven: Really?! Are you serious?!


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